
Feb 21, 2005
I'm not even going to be able to run my stock exhaust on my 07KX450f let alone think about something louder - do they even make louder? I got my first ever complaint about noise on my first ride on the bike today and I was up on the mountain/train tracks where I've trail ridden for 23 years straight! I didn't really notice it myself with the helmet on (gawd the bike is totally awesome other than the loudness - blows away my previous KX250 2-stroke in every way imaginable - love the bike!) but damn.... complaints and bothering people isn't cool, gotta keep the peace and definitely don't want any problems with the police!

I ordered a FMF Q.... Hope I got the best all around silencer for performance/volume. Not really sure what to get since I'm really on the clueless side with the new 4-bangers.
Mar 28, 2009
great article. never really put to much thought into something like this till now. Even though i still have my stock pipe on my rm125, i was pretty interested in this.
thanks for posting this.


Feb 22, 2009
_JOE_ said:
I like the 92db at WOT idea.

All this sound stuff should not just be for dirt bikes. I hear a lot of loud quads too. The race quads are just as loud as dirt bikes.

And Joe, I got that KX250


Apr 6, 2009
one thing that i have noticed around my way, is the the places we used to be allowed, we are now banned from, not because of dust, but because of noise. i agree, louder is not better


Sep 23, 2002
Its important to communicate about this, but not while carryng "loaded 45 guns around" as one of the posters, angryneighbor, replied. What a tool he is. Thats crazy he says all the motocross riders are meth heads. Sounds to me like he has the issues.


Nov 17, 2009
Its not an issue of noise. The government just likes to find more ways to tax and control the citizens. I live within a half mile of both an airport, and a train track. All I hear is noise all day. should I be able to complain? No. Because it's my own fault for moving here. What would happen if I did call someone and complain? They would tell me to move. The average dirt biker doesn't have deep pockets at all, compared to the big companys that would love to get ahold of that land and develop it.

With that said, I agree that there is no reason for all that noise.

In come tacks

Feb 10, 2010
It seems that the target isn't the exhaust, it's the 4 stroke. People have been putting headers on cars since before we were born to allow the engine to breathe. The 2 stroke seemed like NASA refined it, after looking at the results of the latest 2T 250 class. The expansion chamber and silencer tamed the noise very well, but the initial strike was over the visible blue smoke. So they would use air pollution to get rid of the proper tool, and then complain about the effects of noise to expel the notion of off-road riding all together. So WE should have drawn the line when they began taking our bikes. Instead, most (untalented) people created hype and pointed out that the 4T is "more tractable" and "easier to handle". What should have happened is that NOBODY should have bit the apple. We need to unite and demand our 2T bikes back!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
In come tacks said:
Instead, most (untalented) people created hype and pointed out that the 4T is "more tractable" and "easier to handle". What should have happened is that NOBODY should have bit the apple. We need to unite and demand our 2T bikes back!

Yeah, let us know how that works out for you. :coocoo:

In come tacks

Feb 10, 2010
So far, so good... Yamaha & KTM

The article highlights the starstruck youngster who feels he needs to open up the exhaust on his 4 stroke. Duh?


Bring back the CR500
Jul 20, 2009
Hey, In come tacks.
As much as I dislike the modern 4 stroke, this isn't a 4 stroke vs 2 stroke issue. It's a consideration for others issue. The fact that the 4 stroke noise seems to carry further simply means that the 4 stroke guys need to be wary of adding louder exhausts. Regardless of your type of bike, quiet is good for us all.


Jun 23, 2010
ok in my opinion there is one kind of dirt bike, one that gets you from A to B. i have both a 2 stroke and two 4 strokes and i love all 3. there really cant be a fight about the two. its like comparing apples and oranges, you can eat both but they are not the same and should not be compared as much as they are! its all personal opinion. also with the loudness factor i dont think some one cares who would call the cops if itts a high pitched whine or a loud deap groan (dont know how to explain) they will call the cops either way.


Nov 7, 2001
we lost another track now.

One of my favorite facilities just lost the battle. I thought of this post here and thought I would share it as yet another example.


Current management is relocating to Delaware.

You would think the industry themselves would have addressed the issue. With less and less places to ride because of the noise, it has to affect sales at some point. Personally, Im happily stuck in the past. My newest bike is a 1981 YZ465.......

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Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
yes, you probably knew it as The Landing. Been there a few times myself :yell:
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