
Dec 4, 2012
Hi i have a ktm 300 exc 1998. And i orderd a twin filter pre oiled and belry air filter oil. And i put more oil in the filter when it arived (added belry to the pre oiled oil). And knowing me i added a bit to much. The oil has been dripping from the filter in the "outer air box". I would like to know how i can get excessive air filter oil out with out a clean. Could i just let the filter sit a bit? Could I maby do more of the putting the filter between paper towles and pressing? Any sugestions is more than welcome. Also i would like to know saying some how this belry air filter oil or any air filter oil were to get sucked into the 2 stroke engine what the consequences would be. Would it burn off? Would it seize the engine? I know this is still oil bit it is so sticky i would just like to know hypotheticaly if a small bit were to get sucked in what would happen. Dont wana ruin a top end !Again all responces are more than welcome!!!!!

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
The filter oil would not harm your motor. But too much oil on the filter will cause your bike to run very rich, so you may foul a spark plug. Basically, it has to suck harder to get the air it needs. When it sucks harder, it pulls more fuel in from the float bowl.

Wring it out (gently) and wrapped with paper towels or even newspapers until you get the excess oil off and you will probably be good to go. It is still over oiled, clean it like you do when it's dirty and re-oil.

FWIW, the No-Toil system with a special oil that gets cleaned with a powder dissolved in water is great! In the old days, we used gasoline to remove the filter oil, but the No Toil system is waaaay better.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
I'll second the paper towel method for removing excessive filter oil (and for using No Toil!). You can’t remove too much oil using paper towels so don’t be concerned that there won’t be enough oil left to do its job. I don’t like to use newspapers because some oils take the ink off the paper and it looks messy on the filter.


Dec 4, 2012
Ok ill try letting it drip more than use paper towel method. It seems all the oil is giing twards the bottom of thr filter so ill let it all get there before i get it out. Next question is can tjat oil gum up the carb?


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Ya know what? Your oil spooge problem could have been caused by the air filter having too much oil which would cause the fuel mixture to run rich. I didn't read the whole spooge thread but it would make sense.

The filter oil doesn't typically get pulled off the filter and even if it did it would pass right through the carb venturi. It might cling to some places and if you pull the carb it would be easy to clean it off. It really can't get into any of the small orifices.

You can use paper towels to get the oil off while the filter is in the air box (careful not to tear the foam) but it won’t be nearly was effective as removing the filter and I highly recommend that you do remove it.


May 10, 2007
I always over oil to ensure complete coverage then wrap in paper towels and squeeze like crazy to remove the excess. I've seen guys try to run over oiled filters, the bike wont rev out like it should and you get excess smoke and spooge. This will lead to plug fouling. There's really no risk of engine damage though.
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