
Apr 3, 2009
Thanks! Jan 1 2009 was the day I tore my ACL riding off road. Actually, I was standing next to the motorcycle on a muddy slippery half frozen slope, trying to wrestle the stupid thing to point back down hill to make another try at it... I still remember the "pop". That moment didn't hurt much, it was later in the day when I dabbed that leg down when the back was sliding out that the fireworks went off... that's when all the other bits that are normally protected by the ACL started tearing. Must be more nerves there... :(

Jan 1, 2010, and it's fully recovered (Surgery July 10th). I was (literally) laying in the MRI machine, staring up at the GE logo, when I decided I needed a lighter dirt bike (previously I was on a KLR-250... about as light a dual sport as you will find, and still too heavy, as evidenced by the torn nature of my tendons). A little asking around on the KLR-250 forums, and the KDX sounded like a great choice.

So here I am! :) Happy New Year!


Bring back the CR500
Jul 20, 2009
Cheers sr5bidder, and a happy new year to you too.

My KDX sits in my garage calling to me, in theory I can ride again in another 6 weeks. I had my ACL surgery on 13th July, but I can't say it's fully recovered yet. I think I am just going to have to go hard-out on the exercises for the next 6 weeks. In preparation for riding I have also gone on a Raw Vegan diet for the last 5 weeks and have lost 21 pounds. I must be the only Raw Vegan on the planet who's motivation is loosing weight for dirtbike riding. I figure the less I weigh the happier my knee will be.

One of the guys on here (I forget who) said he still has every dirtbike he has ever owned because he can't see any good reason to sell a perfectly good bike. I have thought about this quite a bit, and I must say when I look back at the bikes I have sold that I now wish I still owned I tend to agree. So with that in mind I have been buying spare bits for my KDX whenever I see them cheap, as I am sure I will get the use out of them eventually. I love the fact that there are so many of these bikes out there and people selling parts here and there, absolutely great.
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