
Sep 11, 2009
Thinking of buying a KX500 as a second bike... I am a big time adrenaline junky and my little KDX200 just isn't scaring me anymore. What do you guys think? Any expirience... Its only got a few pounds on the KDX and suspension should not really be any less modern (more primative... LOL)... Plus the torque curve (as shown on some dyno charts posted around the internet) indicates it should be good in the woods (aside from brutal power... But thats what I'm after). What do you guys think? Who rides one?

Terrain: 4 wheeler trails and jeep trails.... Not tight but can range from gravel roads to nearly impossible (some obsticals out here are seldom run even by built buggies... Looking at them one does not see any way a motor vehicle could ever make it)... I tend to stick to the difficult side of things as much as possible. Lots of pretty much everything... Rocks (lots of rocks and ledges), clay, mud, deep water, even some sand washed up by floods.

Skill: Got a friend whos a very good rider... I don't know his class or anything but he races hairscrambles, has raced baja 1k twice (sponsored by a dealer in the area he lived at the time), etc... He rides a KTM 200 2 stroke that is modded (not sure to what degree exactly)... I can keep him in site for about 5 minutes on a fairly difficult trail... Would not have a chance of passing or even a long term shot at keeping up but I do pretty good and getting better all the time.

Experince: Just under a year since I got the KDX but since I live in the woods I ride every single day after work and A LOT on the weekends... For example: About 3 weekends ago I rode 120 miles on saturday and rode another 80 on sunday... All the very roughest trails I could find. I was BEAT. Typical weekend is about 120 miles... 2 tanks of gas. Before that it was all jeeps, ATVs, etc (not to mention hiking, caving and some mountain climbing... LOL).

Other: Weigh about 165, I'd say I'm in pretty good shape... Spend most of my free time outdoors. Also plan on keeping the KDX for more relaxed rides and riding with slower friends... Just would like the KX for when I just wanna let it all out ya know?

So... Thoughts? Good mods for the woods?

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Open class bikes can be a great choice for some riders in the woods. Shoot, Honda sold tons of XR600's and 650s, and they were heavier by far.

OTOH, all that rotating mass combined with weight and a slow steering frame suited to blast through the desert at 70+mph will make the bike less nimble in the tight stuff.

IMO, bikes with gobs of power are a blast, even in the woods, but do tire me out a lot faster.

As for mods, I would focus on suspension and making the bike quicker turning by optimizing the suspension set up.

All in all, it's about the fun factor and the KX5 might peg the meter for you. But if you want to keep up with your buddy on his KTM200 in the woods, my bet is you would be better off on something that is more powerful than your KDX200 but is not excessive like a 500. There's some good reasons that 250 - 300 two strokes are popular...


Sep 11, 2009
Thanks. I am about convinced... Not worried about keeping up with anyone since a: the rest of my friends are significantly slower than me (riding 4 stroke 250 trail bikes and the like) and b: I do 95% of my riding alone... Dirt bikes are not common out here (mostly sxs/atvs and jeeps) So my buddies come from far away and aren't here much... Just worried about what I'll enjoy the most and for me there is something about that feeling of raw power as you come out of a turn or climb a hill... Even with my 200... When it's reved out climbing a 60 degree slope, the front wheel is wanting to come up and it feels like the bike is trying to leave you behind... I could try every drug in the world and nothing would top that. I am literally addicted... Just got back from doing a couple miles on a little trail on the 12,000 acres of private land behind my house in fact...


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
I have a friend who used to ride a cr500 in the woods but he weighs 300+, maybe even 400...care to comment PK? :nener:


Sep 11, 2009
RM_guy said:
I have a friend who used to ride a cr500 in the woods but he weighs 300+, maybe even 400...care to comment PK? :nener:

Your friend must be pretty strong and have lots of stamina to be able to handle a bike like that AND all the extra weight... I weigh 165 and I can handle 8 hours on my 200 with but I'm pretty beat by the end of it and I am thinking a 500 will be even worse... Not that I mind... Since I've got into biking I've never been in better shape (minus bumps and bruises... LOL).

So anyone have any mods to make the thing handle better? Pretty intellectual for now... I don't have a 500 yet and I'll probably stick with basics like a REALLY good set of hand guards to start with... Just curious what people have done.
Also people who have one: What did you pay (assuming you got it used and reasonably recently... Don't really cared what you paid for a new one in 85... LOL) and what'd you get in terms of model year, condition, etc?


Sep 11, 2009
2strokerfun said:
I would be most afraid of whiskey throttle riding a 500 in the woods. But I'm not particularly careful, either !!

Bright side is if that happens it'll be over quick 'cause you probably aren't gonna stay on too long!


Feb 19, 2009
500cc 2-strokes

Well dude, if you go with the kx500, you won't have to worry about not being afraid of it after a while! They are crazy powerful bikes and can easily go out of control if you are not riding conservatively. Throttle control becomes very important on these bikes. The 250 2-strokes are fast and crazy enough in my opinion but that's not to say I wouldn't love to have the 500cc. It's a matter of what you like. The 125cc two strokes will help the rider master the clutch, gear selection and throttle control, the 250cc's are more forgiving if you miss a gear and the 500cc's require the throttle control to keep from launching you into space. I personally like to ride the bike hard which rules out the 500cc's. If you like to ride hard, you may not like the 500 so much.

good luck with your decision.


Sep 11, 2009
I do like to ride pretty hard but I'm not getting rid of the 200... Just complimenting it. Also on long rides the 500 will have one advantage: My clutch hand is always the first thing to get tired... Since there are so many hills, rocks, mud pits, etc out here there's a lot of shifting with the 200... Down, back up, down, back up down twice, back up twice... 120 miles of this and I am tired all over when I get home but the only thing that hits me while riding is that left hand. I think with the 500 I won't have to down shift as much.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
RM_guy said:
The 500 will make both hands more tired...just holding on!

That's exactly what I was thinking, lol.

And to the OP, using the clutch is optional when downshifting your KDX200; It will pop down a gear just fine.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I would seriously reconsider riding alone. I have had too many occasions where I would still be decaying in the woods if it weren't for the fellow riders that got me out.

Especially if you're considering a 500....those things are the debil!
Nov 8, 2010
x2 clutches are overated i use mine to take off and coming in/out of berms etc hills stuff like that but normall trail stuff up or down gears i pretty much never use it, this is on a 125 tho.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
EncyclopediaRonnie said:
x2 clutches are overated i use mine to take off and coming in/out of berms etc hills stuff like that but normall trail stuff up or down gears i pretty much never use it, this is on a 125 tho.

Spoken like a guy who is going to get passed A LOT. :rotfl:


Jun 25, 1999
I rode and competed in enduros on a big bore yamaha WR500. The pro's were that you could ride one gear most of the time, could chug up any hill. cons are that it is heavier and harder to change directions. I spent 3-4 years on that bike before moving to the "slower" 250 2-strokes. My current yz has created more scary moments in the woods than the big bore ever did. And my speed increased 15-20% when I moved to the more nimble, and lighter 250. The big bike was fun, the 250 is fun as well and I am faster on it. Your mileage may vary, but I wonder how much faster I might be had I spent those years on a 250 instead.


Sep 7, 2004
Hey man, I still have my kx500 sitting in a barn in the northeast. I rode it in the woods for 6 years slapped a sleeve in it and have rebuilt it 3 times ALOT of riding haha sometimes it was my only meens of transportation. I also rode on jeep trails, atv trails, and dirt roads. My family also owned 100s of acres so I also rode where there mwere no trails. I love that thing, never at a loss for power suspension was fine, you learn to handle it and crave more power... the unexpected 5th gear wheelies are kinda sketchy. I rode alone alot too I learned to be carefull when I darn near broke it in half the first week i had it. It got all tore up and fixed with my tiny school kid budget, and kept going like a champ. Im pumped to restore mine. Buy it you wont regret it!!!


Bring back the CR500
Jul 20, 2009
I have ridden a few big bikes some of them in the woods. XR600 rode it for years in the woods, tight stuff and everything, heavy but fun, I also used to ride my old IT465 in the woods. The bigger bikes have great traction from right down low and they can just tractor along. I have ridden a CR500 a few times and it is one awesome bike, I think it'd be great in the woods (ridden with extreme care for the first few months). The KX500 on the other hand is a whole different animal. The one I rode was just mental and I have no real desire to ride one again, you'll never have to worry about not being scared and if you open it up in the woods you'd do well to keep your mobile phone handy so you can call the ambulance. Everything is doable, but not everything is wise.


Jan 31, 2002
I have a KX500 set up super motard and street legal here in Colorado. I put it in the truck and haul it to the canyon, pull it out and pick on sportbikes with it, what a hoot. It's like riding a big Laxyboy through the curves. The only down side is it drinks fuel fast, gas mileage sucks, oh, I get it, 2-stroke, drinks twice as much :), I say go for it, gobs of power everywhere in the rpm range, have fun and enjoy.


Oct 21, 2006
i had a 1993 cr500 ,and all i can say is 250's are toys, once you learn to ride the big bores youll never need anything else, woods there great! just blip the throttle and your up mountainous hills!, you wont get stuck like on smaller bikes, there tons of fun, the kx with the power valve might need to be dialed in a lil, and a sprocket change for the best usable power , i would say go for it!!, you can always sell it but at least you can say you had one and tried, my 500 also used less fuel then 250's kinda strange but it did


Sep 5, 2012
If you are looking for the "SUPER RUSH" just get any 500 2 smoker and head of to the woods.IT ain't bad once you get to where you can stay on it.............LOL Remember one little blip of the throttle and you are cooking like no 250 could.Get it on a good straight away run it through the gears .When you hit 5th goose it a little and it runs out from under you ,you will know what I am talking about.YEOW........................LOL GO FOR IT!!!!
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