'03 RM125 or '03 KX125


Dec 4, 2002
Hey guys, I'm more than likely going to be buying a new bike soon and have narrowed it down to these two choices, a RM125 or a KX125. I was wondering what experience anyone might have with either bike and what they have to say about it. I am on a KTM right now and I really like how roomy it is, I'm 6ft. 2" so it feels great. I also like a bike that has a more usable broader powerband, not just a top end screamer. The KTM is pretty good that way and I've heard the RM is too. I really like the suzukis, the bike feels like it is pretty roomy when I sit on it in the shop, and I also hear it's got a great motor. I also have a suzuki shop right by my house that gives me a good discount, so I am leaning towards the RM. The only thing holding me back is that I've been hearing great things about the new KX, I havn't gotten a chance to ride either of the bikes though.


Dec 24, 2002
I went with the RM because it felt taller. I'm running the stock gearing but will go one or maybe two teeth larger on the rear sprocket to get the hit lower in the powerband. When it hits it flat out rips. I like the stock suspension with heavier springs for my weight and Torco fluid. I changed to main jet and needle position and will lean out the pilots too. I am very please with the bike so far.

Can Can Kev

Feb 24, 2003
just so happens my friend and his brother both have KX 125s , one has a 02' and one a 03' the 03 rips compaired to the 02 and the eurgonomics are much improved 02 u felt liek u were towards the front of the back 03 i feel more relaxed and back... they didnt rate the 03 kx 125 most improved for nothin...


Dec 4, 2002
yeah I've ridden a 99 KX125, which is basicly the same as the '02. They didn't change much at all. Well, I pretty much hated that bike. The motor was an on/off switch but it wasn't jetted right at all. The bike just felt really fat and my boots kept hanging up on everything, but it looks like they completely fixed that this year. That's why I was so interested in the KX because it feels so slim and nimble. I'm pretty sure I'm going with the RM though, almost positive. I just think that will be the better bike for me, plus I can get a better deal on it.


Nov 18, 2002
RM all the way I got the 2003 a few months ago. WOW it's awesome. I had to buy some mods for the bottom end tho. No it did not have a weak bottom end. It's just it hit so hard and revved out so far i had a hard time handling it. A V-Force and Fatty pipe later and the top end is a little better and the bottom end is amazing. Better than the 03' 250F i rode.


Dec 4, 2002
well then it will probably be perfect for me. I'm excited about getting it, I just gotta sell my bike first
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