Jun 2, 2000
My son - 13, 130 pounds, 5.5 tall - has outgrown his yz80. My dilema is should I get him a 125 (used) or give him my 93 yz250? I know the seat heights are about the same but the weight difference is at least 20 pounds. A 125 has to be ridden more on the pipe where my bike is easy to ride at slower speeds. We just play ride, some track and some trails. I dont think the power difference is an issue but the size difference and ease of use has me concerned. What would you do? Thanks.


Sep 10, 2001
Let him ride it. I let my 14 yearold stepson ride my '97 KX250 and he just loved it(I didn't get it back). If you can control the throttle on an 80, you can control a 250. I feel the low-end of 250 makes them easier to ride than a 125. On tight technical trails, the weight will be a negative, but the wider powerband will be an advantage everywhere else.
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