1986 CR 125... cant find piston anywhere!


Mar 11, 2006
hey guys, ive been looking for a piston for this bike for awhile and i cant seem to find any... is there away to fix the old one or does anybody kno where i can get one cheap???...


Jan 19, 2006
Where have you tried? If it is simply looking through websites and catalogs, then it isn't surprising that you haven't found one yet, as older stuff is often not listed in there, even though it is still available. Try going to a Honda motorcycle dealer, or any decent bike shop, and they should be able to look it up and order it. You could also contact Royal Distributing they don't list it for the 86 in their catalog, but they are a Kimpex distributor, and Kimpex lists the Wiseco piston kits for your bike, in stock and overbore sizes. You will need to know what size your cylinder is at in order to know which piston to order. The cylinder may need to be bored to true it up. The best way to do this is have it measured, if it needs a bore job, then order the next oversize above the current bore, and have the shop set the cylinder up for the piston. A good bike shop can help immensely in this regard.

Your old piston is done, throw it on the shelf and forget about it, you can't reuse it unless it is still within tolerances and undamaged. I doubt this is the case if you're asking where to find a new one. You also need to determine why the piston seized in the first place. If it is an air leak, excessive wear, excessive piston to wall clearance, dirt ingestion or some other mechanical issue, that needs to be fixed before you rebuild the top end, or the new piston will not live long. You also need to check your bottom end to ensure it is clean, and in good shape. A new top end won't do any good, if the crank is ready to fly apart.


Mar 11, 2006
i will check those sites out!... except i dont kno if i can get any more money to pay for the piston lol... i will see what i can do!!


Apr 8, 2005
Have you checked that unmentionable auction website? You know - "electronic warehouse bay". . . ;)

I see some on there now for the 86 model.


Feb 5, 2004
also look on midwestactioncycle.com

they had pistons for my 88 kx 125 in stock.

they seem to have all the old stuff.

Peer Lovell

Nov 25, 1999
In Canada call Machine Racing. 1-888-mxmachine
About 90.00.
They usually have them in stock. At worst might take a couple of days.
They deliver anywhere in Canada for ten bucks or so.


Nov 14, 2000
What do you mean you can't find a piston for it wiseco should still make'em for it they go up in sizes per what you need for the boring I think they go up to .80 over when you goto .40 with thier setup it go's from a single ring style piston to a daul ring piston get more wear out of the daul ring setup. I got like 100 hours of good trail ridding on my '86 CR 125 with the daul ring setup at .40 over and I got the parts new in '99. The parts I found hard to find are are clutch basket/setup and things like cases etc. my warning to you is becareful with those very old magnesium cases when yo tighten the bolts over tighten them and they will crack the cases. Whatever you do, do not run non distilled water in it the mag cases will pit out (if they haven't by now!) and really gunk/clog up the raditor cores.


Feb 17, 2004
D.Kirk or Wiseco WILL be able to sort you out

I have an 87cr125 and have had ZERO problems getting topend parts through these guys.
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