
Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
My middle boy added this 1989 KTM M/XC 250 to the orphaned bike halfway house. Its actually clean and has new things like tires and chain/sprockets. The guy he got it from also built this tall seat for it. Maybe they came that way. I'm not familiar with these at all. Any place where a shorter seat can be had or maybe a good place to get a seat modified?

Any things specific to these old things to look out for before putting this bike into service?

Thanks in advance for any tidbits of info..( Kyle are you reading these??):scream:


Mar 7, 2001
That vintage of KTM came with a short (or optional tall) seat. You might find a shop that has one of the short takeoff seats. I ordered my KTM 350 EXC with the tall seat. I'll check with my local dealer to see if he still has a short takoff. I believe the '89 came with a red seat, is a blue one OK? and what is a seat worth to you? That model was a good bike and built like a tank, I can't think of anything to look out for (my 350 went 6000 miles w/o a problem).


Mar 7, 2001
I believe the 89 EX/C and SX were different engines. I think the 89 sx got the new engine update one year before the EX/C not sure which engine the MXC had. But my old 89 EX/C had to have the water pump cover repaired because of cavatation problems. It leaked into the trans case Other than that it was great.
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