I would stay with an Eric Gorr 265. The reason?? For the cost of the other kits, you could buy a spare CR 500. My kit was from RPM. It was made years ago using a special piston Weisco made for them from a blank intended for a 1985 KX 250 three wheeler.
Once weisco makes the piston for them, that specific company owns that size. They can not, or will not, make one for you and I. This means RPM or whomever is able to charge you as much as they would like for the replacement piston. The cost in my case was over 200.00.
Eric's pistons are about the same as a normal weisco. His kit is only 1/3 the cost up front. The 265 kit also leaves enough room for a strong powervalve.
Anything over some specific requires one of the pins to be ground away that hold the valve together. I would stay with a small enough size to keep this strong.
Besides, the bike has enough power. The porting is the weak part. With porting and 265 cc's it will be a whole new bike. Heck with porting and a standard piston it is a whole new bike.
I figure the porting guy on these bikes also designed the oil filler. Can you believe how much fun this bike is while refilling the tranny oil???