2 stroke question


Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
let me state the obvious the 1st is that i cant spells o dont hoild it against me. the second i know a 2 stroke doesnt share crankcase oil like a 4 stroke

But some guys are trying to tell me that the level of oil in your cases can fould plugs? i always run the exact amount of oil suggested for the bike but they are trying to say that tom uch or too little will foul plugs? i thought about it and i cant see any reason at all why that would cause a fouled plug... so i came here....

can the level of oil in a case cause a 2stroke to foul plugs??

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Unless you have a crank seal leak then the answer is NO.

If you can't spell then use the spell checker in your word processing program and do a cut and paste. This isn't English class but it's much more courteous to at least make the effort.
If you can't take the time to do something that simple in an effort to communicate your thoughts, then it's unlikely anyone will put much effort into trying to help you solve future problems. ;)
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