My 04 RM 250 is great. The power is so smooth I was instantly jumping with more confidence than I ever did on my 2003 CR 250. Everyone says Suzukis turn great. Well, I don't disagree, but I think I turned better on my CR. I jump so much better on my RM, though. I think the smooth power that I can count on is the big difference.
My Suzuki has been totally reliable. Zero problems in over a year, and that's riding/racing MX every weekend. The bike really great in ever way, except...
After about three months the bike started to feel 'different.' I can't really put my finger on what changed - maybe the suspension broke in and the bike felt unbalanced, or maybe the steel frame 'loosened up' and got flexy. I really don't know. I've been playing wth springs - I think somehow the bike stinkbugs on me now going into corners, where it was PERFECT when I first got it. I'm kinda scratching my head on what changed.
So I feel like with the Honda, you get a frame that is totally consistent, and with the Suzuki you get a motor that is totally consistent. I don't know if this helps or not. Would I buy another Suzuki? Yes. It really is a great bike. And there is a chance this whole 'flexy frame' / unbalanced suspension thing is in my head.
Just to end on a positive note - MXA wrote there is something 'magical' about the Suzuki in flight. I have to agree with this. My Honda was a ballistic missile in the air, my Suzuki is a guided missile.
And mx702 - I agree with you on Yamahas. I never felt right on one, either. The Honda and Suzuki both feel right, so they're both good choices.