2000 rm250 vs 2000 yz250


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
I would like to settle this once and for all. I've had all of my friends who ride 250 2-strokes, 450f's, 250's 300's, all sorts of different bikes, say that my 2000 rm250 is truly insane. Some of them won't even ride it. When I bought it, the previous owner actually had a solenoid disconnected to make it more predictable and not hit as hard. I switched bikes with my friend the other day. He rides a 99 yz250, fmf pipe and some other goodies on it. I thought the two bikes should be almsot the same, seeing as they are only one year apart, similar mods..... but what an incredible difference!
The YZ has smooth power, really good bottom end, just lots of snappy power everywhere. In comparison, my RM is unpredictable, seems to lack power (in comparison to the YZ) on the bottom, hits like a freight train, and just screams on top. Seems to have more top end than the YZ. My bike is fun on a track, EVIL on the trail.

Now, is this difference in the way the bikes are set up, or an actual difference in the bikes themselves? I've had a few people tell me that a YZ is a better trail bike than an RM. But aren't the "big four's" 250 2-stroke mx bikes pretty much the same (in a roundabout way)?

I know I can put a fww and different reeds and stuff in my bike to make it more handleable. But why, when my bike is so similar in year and mods to the YZ is there such a huge difference?


Oct 21, 2002
maybe the powervalve on your RM is jammed stuck in the open position so that there is no bottom end power and then a sudden rush up top??
worth checking.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
The powervalve is a good thought, the bikes should be fairly similar. My 02 was a hard hitter but it had plenty of bottom end as well.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Elk had his power valve linkage break at Dirtweek 02 and fixed it with a Kitty Litter scoop handle! Well documented and one funny repair. MEOW!


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
Nope, my powervalve is fine. It's been adjusted to a few different positions so see if it would make a difference. It helps a bit, but the bike is still more or less the same. I never noticed much that the bike has little bottom end. My Dad complains about it, but he rides a WR, of course he has more bottom end. The YZ just seemsed to have more down low, and smoother altogether. My RM's bottom end isn't gutless or boggy in my opinion..... jsut not as much of it as the YZ or WR has. And it just hits a lot harder.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I would guess that the reason it hits harder is that it has less bottom end. I've had KX's and YZ's and both have had great bottom end power, especially the KX's. I seems that from year to year each make has had some differences some good and some bad. Wish you the best of luck sorting this out.
BTW, are you running an aftermarket pipe, if so which one?


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
FMF Gnarly pipe :nod:

I'm not really going to sort anything out..... I like my bike just fine the way it is. Reguardless of the fact that nobody else will ride it. Men just can't handle the little girl's bike :p

I was just curious as to why it IS so ill mannered. If there is a noticable difference between most RM's and YZ's.


May 10, 2007
Could've been ported for top end at some point. Have you looked at the timing marks on the stator plate? Someone may have tinkered with that in an attempt to pep up the top end. Have you tried to play with the jetting? You can smooth the power somewhat with jetting as well. What year is it? Does it have a throttle position sensor? The TPS on my 02 rm was a bit tricky to get back together correctly when you removed the slide. That would cause the power jet not to function. There's definately some things you can play around with if you're sreious about altering the power delivery, but from this angle it seems like YOU like it this way because it scares all the girly men, lol.


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
It's a 2000. Dad would like to change my timing.... in fact, he would like to push my bike off a cliff and be done with it. I object to this. He is getting very sick of my bike. His old WR that I ride (and crash lots) had to be rebuilt.... because it has been ridden hard, and hadn't had a new top end in about 7 years. Other than that, the thing doesn't break. Nothing goes wrong, never stops running, parts never fail. It's immortal. He thinks Yamahas are better..... I just think it's posessed. But my bike breaks every other day, something is ALWAYS wrong. Daddies patience is thinning.

I do like my bike the way it is. For Access roads, and even narrower old grown in logging roads it's attention demanding, but a lot of fun. Love how is scares the girly boyz. It's just on steep trails, or really tight ones that I am scared of it. Especially the hills.... it just randomly decides to go straight up. It's not my heavy handed riding either, I'm pretty gentle. Oh well, maybe a 5'6''girl on an enourmous bike with bar risers and a bad attitude should stay off steep hills? Here's an idea :think:


May 10, 2007
Lol, my experience with Suzuki hasn't been very positive. Seems like something is ALWAYS broken, or darn near.

Yamaha and Honda seem to be a bit better built. Maybe you should find some girly man who wants to feel macho and get him to pay too much for your bike so you can upgrade to a better bike for you........