4-stroke break-in method


Nov 8, 2001
i've been told that's what to do.that tends to lend it's self to the" she's gonna go or she's gonna blow" theory .as much as i think the factory does everything they can to push a prob if one is gonna happen past warranty, i'de have a hard time getting myself to do what he says right or wrong.i know people that feel as he does.


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
There is a grain of truth to what he says, although running the snot out of a new engine is still an unwise thing to do.

The proper way to seat the rings is to build maximum cylinder pressure, at a reasonable rpm. Giving the engine a decent amount of throttle while running at or near the torque peak (not hp peak, and not redline) is the best way to develop the pressures needed to quickly seat the rings. Doing this in short intervals is best, not all at one time.


Mar 27, 2002
I thought it was a bit aburpt myself. I do understand his concepts but have to wonder if he's talking about breaking in new rings or breaking in an entirely new engine.

I have a 02 or 03 WR250F on it's way and want to get it right.
Will I keep the KDX?,,,,,,,,uhhhhh ya!

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