4 Stroke Spark Plug Question


Damn Yankees
Nov 19, 2002
Ok here it goes... My friend's 2002 XR100 is bogging from about 3/4 throttle to full throttle in any gear, including neutral. My 2000 XR 100 never did this when I had it a few years ago. And on the spark plug, there is carbon. (dry black stuff) Usually if you clean the plug and put it back in or if oyu put in a new plug, it will run fine for a little while, but it will happen again, with the plug. The black stuff is not spoogy, it is dry. What could be the problem? i think it might be running with too much air, an dnot enough gas. I believe this is called lean. What would be a fix to the problem? Thanx for the help!


Dec 3, 2001
A lean condition sounds right. For two strokes, you would increase the size of the main jet, to get rid of lean bog at 3/4 or open throttle. I'm not sure if four strokes have the same jets and everything. I would assume that they do so try opening up the carb and looking at what size the main jet is, then get some larger ones to replace it with.


Feb 20, 2002
Things to check before going any further:
1. Is your air filter dirty?
2. is your needle still seated in the carb with the clip? (this same thing happened to me).
3. What is the color of the plug at 3a. the bottom ring, 3b. the farthest up the insulator that you can see (hopefully it's not white).

if 1 and 2 are ok, then you need to make some changes:

A. You are too lean on the pilot jet. Make adjustments (out) in 1/4 turn increments to the fuel screw (small screw on bottom/front of the carb). the bottom of the plug should not be bone dry.

b. Xr's typically do 2 things when they aren't jetted right. If it revs but doesn't make power, then it's lean. If it sputters it's rich.

What is your main jet size, what pipe are you using, what spark plug?
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