6 Days info


Sep 28, 2001
I have been reading in a few of the rags I get and on the AMA web site about the 6 days. Being a MX and fairly new to Enduro and Hare Scrambles, ( I did one enduro in 89, all the trees kept grabbing me!) this year in my unretirement year, at 43.
I think there's a team like the MX De Nations, but is it open to any team as long as they pay the fees??? I'm sure with guys racing like Watts and Freddette, it's gotta be open to the big guns only, You know I'd love to take a crack at trying to at least qualify to get on a team. Do they have quilifers @ the east coast or what????? Wouldn't it be cool to have a KDX only team there!
I train best when there's a reason to do it, an end goal. It's a 6 day Enduro race with an MX race at the end?? I bet it a REAL KILLER to run race speed 6 days, 200 miles per day. Are there schools @ the east coast where I can go and polish up on my other skills like the Mx school I attended in the 80's
I'd LOVE to give this a try, it'd be worth going into deep dept to run on one of these!!
Any info, commemts would help! :)
2001 KDX
2001 Yami TTR 126 (Boy "A"s)
1996 Honda XR 80 (Boy "B"s)


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
The AMA is involved with the team selection process. You'll have to mail the AMA a Letter of Intent (LOI), place well in the ISDE Qualifier Enduro Series and pay your way over to the event. The AMA somewhat takes care of a lot of things like bike and gear transportation, food (you don't want to race on European food) and lodging for the riders. It is not cheap.

Send a message to Girlrider. Her and two other women competed in France on the womens squad this year. She'll have a lot more details on cost, qualifying, etc.


Sep 28, 2001
The first steps

Thanks for the info. If I can stay healthy and have a smigen of luck I'll be there next year!!
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