6 pack ?

Feb 25, 2001
No not the beer...trying to get into shape after that grand thanksgiving dinner. In all honesty I would like to hear from the people who have one . I have been slowly getting into body building and im young ( 18) and have developed some nice pecs and arms...from the waist down lacks and needs work. I cant exactly do sittups like I used to be able to I have broken my back and neck a few years ago in a motocross accident and have less flexibitly than I used to. So what kinda work can I do to get those nice abs ? This is something I want for myself and ofcoarse my girlfriend is pressuring me into working out more and I would love to acheive this as well. ??? any tips ?? My buddy said to 200 sittups 4 days a week and in 5 weeks you will have a six pack...I said thats not possible for me but hell if that was true I would do 300 a day PLEASE HELP!!! I cant understand how people can get these 6 packs I have tried alot. I know I have the body geometry because in the summer I loose alot of weight from my motocross racing in the 100 degree weather and I can notice the outline of my mucles looking like a 6 pack...Thanx in advance



Feb 20, 2001
There are ab exercises that don't hurt the back. Got to the bookstore and get a book that show's them. Expect to do many different exercises. <excuse gone>

Control your calories. If you read about a diet that makes you go "yeah right. no way I am eating that stuff" - that is the ticket, as that is what those poser model-types eat to look like that.

You are going about it all wrong. You are setting a goal that should only be a subgoal - looking good. Focus your energies on a larger goal like improving in MX (just an example). To get very good at MX, you want to be in your best conditioning and a by-product of that would be the abs you want. Work each day to acheive that goal!

Control calories (no more pop, sweets and garbage food). Eat right (lot of discipline needed here). A lot of aerobic work-outs to burn calories and then ab-workouts are all needed for those 6 packs. It is not easy.

Girlfriend will find something else to complain about - do it for yourself, not her.


Sep 29, 1999
Your waistline will be controlled by your diet and, to a lesser extent, your cardio training. Losing those last few ounces of fat to get that cut six pack will depend on your diet. Cut out the junk, drink lots of water, and you'll be on your way.



Jan 10, 2001
there was a thread not to long ago called "ab training" find that one, it had a lot of good information in it


May 15, 2001
YOTR158 - Do you moto at Toro Creek? Are they grooming at all? Or are they letting it go to pieces? Say hello to Sterling for me. Scot from Open Air in Santa Barbara.


Jan 10, 2001
Joey is leasing out Toro to this guy named Ron. They changed the name to River Road MX or something like that...they completely tore down the track and rebuilt it with a different layout and everything. Ive heard nothing but good things about it. but who is sterling?
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Mod Ban
Nov 26, 2001
Hey Honda guy I am going to go out on a limb and assume that you're a thick fella, if you want a big fat muscular stomach do your buddy's routine, now if you want a six pac I suggest you shed any excess weight before you even think about building up your stomach otherwise you'll end up like an aquantence of mine, he has a freakishly solid spare tire. Anyway once you've dropped the rolls then start doing sittups:cool:
Feb 25, 2001
Im in no way fat or hefty...im 5'11" 160 lbs....so im not fat And I dont have a beer belly just looking for that fine looking six pack. !!!


Jul 5, 2001
So I have seen it said that you have to have atleast a 12% bf to see a 6-pack no matter how big your abs are.Not sure if it's true, but could be something to base it off of.Using weights can get you the burn faster with less reps trying using a 25 lb. weight and hold it on your chest while you do your crunches and other variations.:)


Aug 6, 2001
Crunches work the best. There was a thread where I talked for a whole page about how to do correct crunches and variations a while back:) If you could find that then you might learn something there. I don't know exactly how to get a 6-pack but that thing about you need to have around a 12% BF sounds about right to me since I'm 5'9'', 164lbs. with like a 25%BF and a 32in. waiste.:( The problem with me is that I can't keep up with the routine if I don't see results...I guess you just have to eat right and not eat a lot, only eat food when you're really, really hungry and be sure it's good food and not junk. I think that's how I lost 10 lbs. in about a week during Christmas!:)


Aug 6, 2001
The Honda Pilot- here is that thread I was telling you about:Followup to my quest for a 6-pack ABS . Also, this has just came to mind, but since you have old "war-wounds" from riding such as your back and neck, maybe you should try those new FastAbs belts on TV that uses electrodes. I had a medical electrode impulse thing for my knee to keep my muscles stimulated when I had knee surgery, and it had a power level of 10 and my friend put it up that high one time when I was at school and it was pretty intense. It felt like my muscle wanted to jump out of my skin!:scream: I don't know how credible those "ab-belts" are, but it's worth a try if everything else fails...
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