96 yz vs 06 yz 250


Aug 25, 2005
Im thinking about trading in my 96 yz 250 for a 06 yz 250
how much more powerful is the engine?
I love my 96 its in great shape just wondering how much better
a new one would be


Aug 17, 2005
Night and day!! Not only is their more power it's a broader and more useable power band. The best part is the handling and the suspension, it's better than works stuff from 96. I would say if you have the doe it's a no brainer!


Nov 17, 2001
I own a 97. The 06 is a great bike, for sure. Was it 5k better than my bike??? Personally, I just coudl not justify the difference.

If you must trae, look for a 2001 with little time on it. It will give you more performance for slightly more money.


Nov 17, 2001
I cannot se the dealer offering you more than 1500.00 for it.

I did see a very nice used 2003 selling for 2400.00 today. It was very tempting. I could own three of the 2003's for the cost of a new 06.


Aug 17, 2005
Hard decision. I am facing a similar situation. Do I need more power? Probably not, do I need better handling? It could be nice, do I need a new bike for $7000? I simply don't know. I really do not think I would really have that much more "FUN" (this is why I ride), but I am the kind of guy that LOVES the best equipt (cars, mountain bikes, road bikes, surfboards, etc.....) so everytime I show up and all of my buddies have 05 CRF's, KTM's, and YZ's, yes I get a little jealous, but at the end of the day I continue to be amazed that I hang just fine with a bike I bought for under $1500 and is 9 years old and they are not having anymore "fun" than I am. But I continue to have this thing in the back of my head that I would love the coolest equiptment.



Jun 21, 2000
If money is a big issue, I would suggest trying to find a used 03yz250, The engine output is basically the same as 06 and the ergos are pretty much the same too. The only difference is in suspension but still the 03 was great at everything except those big bottoming impacts. So, unless you overjump triples regularly, my bet is the 03 will be the best bang for your $. Also, I would try to sell your 96 in private ads, not through the dealer because trade in value is most often very low.


Jan 7, 2006
newer is way better. i rode a 96 yz 250 and it didnt impress me that well... then i rode the 04 yz 250 and it seemed to have alot more going for it... the power is incredible... you might want to cahnge the gearing on it though depending on what type of riding youj do
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