a question to the group.


Sponsoring Member
May 20, 2001
Fellow DRN'ers,
I am placed in a once in a lifetime situation.........
I am goint to give my oldest son a new dirt bike for x-mas, and my mind has been racing a mile a minute as to how I should give it to him........:silly:
I call on you guys to see what or how you would surprise your kid with a bike.. I thought about jus putting it in front of the tree, but thought that would dwarf anything else he got. I thought about putting it right at his bedroom door so when opened his door, BAM! maybe a misplaced letter from santa, right after everything else is opened..... I dont know..... any ideas????


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Wrap up something moto-related and put it under the tree. Then he'll look at it like "huh?" Then send him out to the garage and "Surprise!"


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
I go along with XRprerds idea maybe take the front number plate off and put his favorite number on it. then wrap it up under the tree- have it the last present to be opened and when he is confused take him into the garage to see what it attaches to.
As a side note I liked the idea of keeping the Xmas magic with Santa alive as long as possible. One thing that worked to prolong the idea was to take flour and put my sorrel boot soles in it then walk from the fireplace to the tree over to the cookies and then back to the fireplace to leave the evidance that HE was there. We also left a hat stuck onthe fireplace screen.
The next year I 'borrowed a special camcorder attachment at work that would work in the dark and start with motion. We caught Santa appearing in front of the fireplace and finding his lost hat and then putting the presents under the tree before disappearing up the chimney. The fat guy was a standin friend with a suit since we all know Santa is magic and only is in the house for seconds but the tape evidance helped eke out one last year and still works for the younger nephews and nieces.
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Sep 22, 2000
Threaten him

With the Ol' all your getting is a box of rocks and rusty nails for Xmas ploy, ;)
then have all his gifts be stuff like new underwear and socks, and if he is thinking in the slightest way that he's getting a bike get him a model bike.
Then after all the presents are open and he's got that hang dog look tell him to get you a hammer from the garage.
He will run through all the emotions of misery and despair, but when his eyes land on that new bike it will be a memory that will last a life time.

P.S. I am available for adoption. :)


Oct 7, 1999
I'm in the same boat. My plan? Since he's currently riding red, he'll soon need some green gear. A green helmet and jersey are going under the tree. To be explained, of course, by a "well, just in case we do find a nice KX65." Ultimately followed by the old "could you get me a screwdriver from the garage" ploy. I think I'm more anxious than him, now!

Mr. Clean

Nov 8, 2001
One year the last present to my daughter was gloves or goggles or something like that. The bike was the last present of the morning so it wouldn't mess the excitement over the other presents. I hope you enjoy this surprise as much as I did!
Kurt yz 250


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
I take it your son already rides. If you have a in-closed trailer load all your gear etc. and his new bike. Then take him riding. When you get to your local riding area let him open the trialer...

If no trialer, can some one meet you at your local riding area for a afternoon Christmas ride?


Aug 2, 2001
Sawblade's idea is cool.

I am with kwjams and longtime.

Put a big bow on it and leave it in the garage.

Then ask him to grab you a tool.

I wish you could have someone in there to take a picture of the look on his face and post it here for the rest of us on DRN to enjoy. I would really enjoy seeing it, as I am sure everyone else would.




Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Use a string...

My buddy did this last year for his son. He gave him a card with a "string" attached. The string went out the door, around the barn, across the front yard, and back to the garage. His boy covered the 300+ feet with blazing speed and it was all caught on tape.


I like the bow idea, too. Make sure to put a big fancy bow on it and maybe wrap one big ribbon around it also. If you bring it into the house, are you sure he won't hear you or get up in the middle of the night? I know my little sister and I always had a hard time getting to sleep and were always up early and saw most of what was under the tree. Bswift's string idea is very cool! Can you video it and post it somewhere? That would be a hoot!
PS: I'm up for adoption, too, and I'm nearby!


Jan 1, 2001
That’s really neat that some of you guys are getting your kids bikes and are so excited about it. My idea is to take a Polaroid picture of the bike and wrap it in a BIG box. When he/she gets to the picture they will be very surprised!

Lee W.


May 18, 2001
I like the string idea. You could send him on a real wild goose chase too by looping the line throughout the house and yard and put teaser gifts along the way! :)

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
How about a bit of a treasure hunt. Give him clues (where and what he is looking for) gloves here, spark plug wrench there with clues attached; leading from one place to another, and finally ending up at his brand new bike. the anticipation will be killing both of you. :cool:


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001


That is exactly what happened to me 17 years ago with my first ride. It all started with a big box, with a pair of golves, an index card with notes directing me where to go next, and a rock of course(for weight)! By the time I was done, It took an hour to run allover the house to collect index cards with hints on them. I had to hit every single room in the house. It ended with a brand new shiny '84 KDX80 hidden behind boxes in the garage. Man it was awsome. I owe my parents a HUGE thank you for the entertaining experience I'll never forget.



Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 11, 2001
All of these ideas work. I know from experience. I got my bike for my 30th birthday. Even though I knew that I was going to get it (my wife is TERRIBLE at being sneaky and keeping secrets), I was still so geeked that I picked her up in a hugh ole hug and my eyes got a little watery:) .

What happened was, the night before we all went out to dinner (another suprise. Involved a limo and all of my best friends(all but two lived 3+ hours away and the only one that wasn't there lives in CA(but he called during dinner(another surprise))). We were supposed to got to my riding buddies house afterwards for my presents, but it was too late. Next day,we went to his house and I opened some present, two of which were a green Shift jersy and a Team Kawasaki Factory Effex bar pad. After that, I was like 'Well, that sucks. Green goodies, but no green bike (I had been looking at the bike I've got now, but at the time, wifey said that we couldn't afford it). About then, Matt (my buddy) tells me he wanted my opinion or help w/something out in the garage. And there she was, all shiney and new, w/balloons and a big "Happy Birthday" sign on it. Without a doubt, the best present I've ever gotten (except my wonderful daughter:) ).

No matter how you do it, it'll be awesome!:) I can't wait to do it to my daughter.


Oct 25, 2000
Buy a new shovel and wrap a bow on it. Then tell him its for digging dirt. Then we he is really confused, tell him the dirt digging is for the track he'll need to build for his new dirtbike.

smooth sail

Dec 10, 2001
My wife and I did what Tuna described about 6 years ago. He was confused at first when he received the spark plug wrench and a clue. A couple of clues later, after a gas jug, some oil, he was getting anxious, but he still did not know if it was a weedeater, cart or bike. The grand finale was him trying to open the garage door without finding the last clue that showed the new code on the keypad (changed by Santa for security purposes). The treasure hunt was a blast, but nothing compared to the deer in the headlights look as he just stared at his new KX-60. Spending one on one time with him riding has been one of the best experiences we have shared. :D


Sponsoring Member
May 20, 2001

My wife and I thought we would take a peek at the post, and when we saw all the posts, we were floored!! guys, they are ALL great ideas, and we decided to NOT bring it into the house at all, but maybe outside, maybe in the garage.......
Now, I promise to get that photo, a most likely some video. :D
I don't know who is more geeked about this! The bike is a TTR125L and he has been riding only since summer. the retired unit is a DS80 I got him some new boots, thanks to the $200 free gear program from Yamaha, and some plate numbers, a new lense for the goggles, and a gear bag.:silly: He doesn't have a CLUE about this, but he knows that his old bike is way too small for him now.....we have looked at bikes for the last two months, and settled on the TTR. BUT he thinks mom said no!



Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Here's a twist...

Use the string to get him to a point and then have a 3x5 card with instructions like, "Hop on one foot and turn a circle." Then let him know where the next string is that leads to the next card. This could be a real hoot and a wonderful memory. Have fun, lucky kid!


Sep 15, 2000
I remember when my dad had hidden a brand spanking new PKRipper BMX bike in the garage. I think I was 14 or so. My dad asked me to go get some wood for the fireplace and I came back running in freaking out and had to be restrained from trying to ride it in 3 feet of snow !!

Ha ha, I'll never forget that day, either will your son so make it a good one. :)

R White

Sep 13, 2001
gnarlykaw did that last year for ALL the kids PUT IT UNDER THE TREE we all got new bikes last year, I kept them down the street @ a friends place went and got them around 1am. BTW the wife didn't know about hers till we opened my friends garage mine&hers not under tree,that was the first xmas I was able to sleep in, the kids evenmade me breakfast :cool:I think they just sat in awww :eek: what ever you do mary Xmas
the whites


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000

My wife did that for MY birthday last year. It was fun even for adults(well I guess we're adults). I like the string idea or the scavenger hunt. Make him work for it.:)

The Rock

Nov 25, 2001
Let me tell you from first hand experience.

My father bought me a brand new '82 YZ80 when I was 9 years old. He had normal presents under the tree, when we were opening them he asked me to go get a small screw driver from the garage so we could break the straps on the bottom of the car models... you know the heavy duty straps that hold the models to the case... well I opened the garage door and BAM!!!! I FRICKEN FREAKED :scream: :scream: :scream:

I will never forget that moment. It had to have been one of the happiest days of my life. I was bumbed too because I wanted one SO bad and I truly thought I did not get it.

But dont worry to much on how you are going to give it to him... Once he sees that shinny bike he will forget about everything else!!!

Make sure you post us how you did it and how it turned out.

Great present!!! :D


Jun 6, 2000
Or you could do what my friends dad did to him and buy him a brand new snowmobile for christmas. Then on chrismas morning wrap up the payment book and give it to him. Hell be excited and pissed at the same time when he finds out that he has to pay it off.

I kind of think this is a good idea. He will surely take better care of it. BTW I guess I am kind of jeleous because I had to wait until I was 16 and could aford a bike. But my friend got the sled when he was 10!!
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Sep 22, 2000
Tarp it,

Hide the bike in a back corner of the garage under a tarp---tie a rope to the tarp and then tie it to the hammer you send him after with instructions to pull the rope.
Route the rope in a way so when he pulls it he is looking in the direction of the rope and out of the corner of his eye the tarp will expose the new bike with a big ribbon on it.
:cool: :cool:

After thinking about this more,,,,,I have decided to withdraw my offer of adoption.:scream:

I have been informed that I would require shots and need to be neutered!:eek:
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