Aching Ribs Anyone?

Green Hornet

Apr 2, 2005
:ahhh: Don't mean to whine everyone, but I took a spill last Saturday and my ribs are real tender like a baby's ass. Was going some what slow through a tight-rocky trail and a tree branch on the ground hooked the front tire (Acted like a train Rail) and I was thrown, Tumbled Head First onto a bunch of F@#KING Rocks. You know the ones big enough to fit through the side openings of your chest protector. The bikes fine, but I'm sore a hell. Any way I began riding on Thursday and after the ride, my right side which hurt the most felt great. All the movement got the blood flowing and I was fine. The next two days my left lower ribs (Floating Ribs) began to get worse. I have a Harescramle on the 15th of May and want to know has anyone wrapped themselves successfully after an injury like this? I don't believe there broken, just the cartilage is stressed. Go figure-Jumping of 5ft cliffs-NO PROBLEM, 4inch Tree Branch and OUCH!!!! :bang:


Jan 26, 2004
I had a similar injury in football a couple of times. There isn't anything that can be done for those ribs except to not allow pressure on that side. If you cracked one, it will heal in 3-6 weeks. You can still ride. Might want to take Ibuprofen before the ride.


Jan 27, 2004
welcome to the new riding season!! :rotfl: Im in the third week of a severely sprained right hand from my second ride of the year. (first was a 20 minute ride to break in a new top end)
Doesnt matter what you do to your ribs, they are going to hurt like a motherfu****** until they heal on their own. Bruised ribs feel even worse that a broken on, Ive had both. I guess your race will depend on how much you rest them between now and then, good luck :cool:

John Harris

Apr 15, 2002
At least you had a good story. I separated, bruised mine on the end of a stock handlebar riding 5mph in sand--of course without a chest protector. You know how it hurts and at the oddest times. Took forever to really heal, but they finally did. Take the advise above and hang in there. If you race, just bang up something else and that will take your attention! Cheers John


Mar 30, 2005
I'll let you know if I can ride again after about 2.5 months. I was going @ 7 mph in the yard, grabbed front brake (subconciousley) in which threw me and the bike to the left, really hard. I wasn't wearing boots, so I gained a broken tib and fib. Gotta cast from my hip to my toes. Yay me, press on bro, hope you get to feeling better before then.

Racer X

Feb 4, 2004
Hornet, I feel your pain, or I felt your pain last fall at a place called Windy Gap in Georgia. I gave up roadracing a year ago because for fear of leaving my family fatherless. I had 4 high speed get-offs on my roadracing bikes without so much as a scratch. I parked the racebikes and bought my KDX. My third trail ride, I endo'd down a rocky path and hyper-extended my knee along with bumps, knots, bruises, scrapes and ahhh yes- bruised ribs. I was wearing ALL the protective gear and most definitely would have had more serious injuries if I hadn't been so equipped. The good news is the human body's capacity for healing. Yes, you will get better. If you're over 40 like me the healing will take a little longer, and some injuries will nag you forever. I take an occasional asprin. Remember to drink plenty of water, eat healthy foods and include exercise in your lifestyle..

Green Hornet

Apr 2, 2005
Thanks. I'm 38 & used to heal fast :( I wrapped my ribs the other day with that sticky ace bandage crap & it did help with the jiggle pain, which gets aggravated when I ride. I took off riding this whole week & into next week so the healing will have a better chance. The Harescramle is the 15th and I want to minimize the injury prior to this, plus I will be wearing the ace bandage wrap that day. A nurse I know say's they don't wrap ribs anymore, due to a lengthy wrap interfering with the healing. :yikes: I said the same thing to myself, waht would have happened if I did'nt have the armor on :bang:
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