adjust fork for rider weight-new spring vs clicker


Nov 7, 2001
my bike is 2001 kdx22r. I weigh 170. Have stock suspension. I am a rather new rider. I ride mostly woods and logging roads. Live in Oregon where there is alot of slimy trails. At this point I spend alot of time going slower due to conditons. QUESTION: Cant I just click the front forks stiffer rather than replace springs for my weight? SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT QUESTION: If the bike comes with the fork adjustment clickers then why doesnt anyone ever talk about just adjusting those and not replacing springs?

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Springs control weight, dampening controls how they react ot the weight.

If you feel the forks are too soft (and they are for your weight) adding compression will only slow down how fast they compress for each "hit" you take to a certain point. If the springs are too soft they will still bottom early and compress too much in cornering. If you compansate with dampening they will just not react to the things you hit very well and the bike will handle like a pogo stick that has seized up. Kaw screwed up on this bike and mismatched the front and rear springs. Front springs are for 130 lbs and rear spring is for 170-200 lbs. Stupid stuff!:uh: The buyer has to balance the bike to get the most from it's handling...thats just the way it is.


Oct 14, 1999
QUESTION: Cant I just click the front forks stiffer rather than replace springs for my weight?

Sorry..but like Fred need different springs. You can get a set of late model XR400 springs (.40s) that will do the job just fine. If you don't want to change 'em yourself, consider the cottage grove yamaha shop. It's right up the 'street' from you and richard wilson will do it while you wait if you talk to him about it first (don't just drop in).

RE: adjusting the clickers.

Talk about it all the time...just not as a substitute for the correct spring. Check out most any suspension site (mx-tech for example). Jeremy has a write up on how to set the clickers. It doesn't take much to make a big difference in your ride. XLNT riders (heh..not me!) can tell the difference in ONE click. I've done some sneaky click changes (one) on my riding buddy's bike. He knew it immediately!

Hey...we're likely going to do some riding on john's peak sometime this coming weekend. How's your time for coming down for some riding? Got your 'jet package' yet? (like prolly 40-42 pilots and 142-45-48 mains). C'mon down and we'll change 'stuff'.:)
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