Air-cooled 4-st with mx suspension credentials?


Apr 6, 2005
I'm finally getting back into riding after years off (career, house, and baby sabbatical). My son just got a XR 50 for his fifth birthday, and (master plan moves to next phase) I'm just forced to have to disburse funds toward a bike for myself. The last time I rode, it was on a early 90s KX-250, and it was about 1992 when I last rode (up to that time, I'd ridden for years).

I'm 42 now, about 185, and 5'10". But with him learning to ride, and a lot of follow the leader (slow) trail riding in my near future, I'm thinking these liquid-cooled 4-strokes might not be the ideal set-up just now (as tempting as, say, a WR250 sounds...). I'm envisioning over-heating from hot-rodded engines that have higher repair costs, etc., not to mention needing a handy kickstand when a young rider needs to be lifted out of the dirt and put back on his 50.

But, that said, I suspect Father Time hasn't slowed me so much that I won't want to get it in the air once in a while. Local riding has a lot of dual options (trails and jumps and mx tracks). One caveat in every discussion I read about the XR 250, for example, is a suspect suspension for such doings.

What should my short list look like?



Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
I can think of one air-cooled 4 stroke that would be a good MX bike. With that said, there is nothing from stopping you from riding an XR or TTR on a MX track, just don't expect the bike to fair so well. The trail bikes have a very soft suspension. That, and the weight of those bikes, conspire against you and your enjoyment.

There is no reason to think that a modern water-cooled bike would overheat at slow speeds. In fact, I would expect that the water-cooled bike would run at a more consistent temperature over a wider variation of speeds.

Ask yourself what you will be doing with the bike. If you think your riding will be limited to easy trails and fire roads, the air-cooled bikes will more than likely suit your needs. If however you envision hitting some tight single track with hill climbs, or riding the local MX tracks, by all means do give a more modern bike consideration.


Dec 29, 1999
I can- the DRZ-250.( not the racing bike, that is an RMZ, but the play bike). it has RM suspension, ( a few generations old but still pretty good) air cooled 4 stroke and electric start. Perfect for putting around with the kids but you should be able to have fun with it on "dad" day as well.

The e-start will be great for all the stopping and starting you will be doing riding with your son.
Plus they are cheap. Leftovers seem to be availale at pretty good prices.

It is limited in power , but you are looking for a compromise.


Oct 3, 2002
While my son was learning, I followed him around on my KX500. I have no regrets with it. The most important modification (other than jetting and ride height) was a kickstand. When the little guy needs help, it's nice to have.

If you know that you'll be wanting to go faster as your son progresses, don't settle for a slow bike. Get another 250 if you liked it and tune it for woods riding. You know... flywheel weight, gearing, jetting, timing, porting, etc.
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