Thanks for the input, my friends. I appreciate all the various suggestions and well wishes for Amy. I spent a couple of hours at the doggy oncologist this morning. Learned all our options, and just how sick our little puppy is:
**Ends up that even though the first symptom was just two days ago, she's a Stage 4 (out of 5). The cancer is in several nodes and her spleen.
**Chemotherapy costs are 500 up front, then 150 to 300 a month -- for the rest of the animal's life.
**Odds are that with chemo, a dog in her state will live from 12 - 18 months.
**Treatment is largely pain free with chemo. They use much lesser doses than in humans, so there are usually few side effects.
So, fully armed, I made my decision . . . . . . . .
Amy got her first chemo today. Her eyes are still nearly swollen shut, but hopefully, within 10 days she'll be in remission. I'll pay the money. Just hope the lil' girl responds well.
To see how wildly, as sick as she is, she was wagging her tail at the vet, was inspirational. Even the staff there was blown away. Lil' Amy deserves some happiness -- and to live. I'm gonna' give her that chance.