An Idea for a new feature


Nov 1, 2001
I've recently become a memeber on the forums at a website a set of boards devoted to third generation Camaro's. These guys run some good boards too, and I've noticed something I really like with there site. They have a section of things that are "common knowledge" type things. A huge FAQ I guess you could say, covering like "How to fix your leaky T-tops" to "How to install subframe connecters" and everything else in between. A lot of questions that arise on these boards, the newbies (Such as myself) are just directed to this FAQ, and can get their general information there.

With this site, I feel that this sort of thing would be very helpful, a collection of articals on all sorts of commonly asked bike questions. Things like "The easy way to change a tire," to "Jetting for the novice," and everything else. People that feel they have an important artical to submit can add to this archive, and a lot of good data could be found in one place. I know its not terriblly difficult to just search the forums, but its often hard to find what your looking for. Example... Sunday I'm going to undertake rebuilding my first dirtbike carb on my friends XR200 thats started giving him fits with flooding. I searched for some good info on rebuilding carbs... and can find little bits here and there, but a nice FAQ artical would have been sweet. Just thing of how many times issues like "Whats the best mix of oil?" or "How do I jet?' come up. Wouldn't it be nice just to be able to say... "Just check out the FAQ, there's a great artical on that." Then the person can read it, get all kinds of good information, and just be generally smarter, and have a good understanding.

I don't know how practical this is for the website, I know the administative guys must be terriblly busy, and would dread one more thing to deal with. But if there was a place where these "Tech Articals" could be posted, I'm sure there are a couple of us that could proof-read, and check for accuracy. Its a thought anyways, and might be a nice addition to consider for the site.

And yes, I know I mis-spelled "articals" a million times in this post, but I just can't remember the right way tonight. :aj:


I've thought about the same thing, but hell, you can't get the majority of folks to read the FAQ's or perform a search, how you gonna get them to sift through a database of common information?! :debil:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I'm looking at setting one up for the kdx's. I haven't even started it, but know it's going to be a huge job. First off, try to cover the common questions, find the correct answers.
It sounds basic, but stop & think about it a bit longer - what are the common questions? For DRN as a whole - depends what forum you're in. Rebuilding your bike? Is it a two or four stroke, RFS or trail bike?
It'll be a hell of a lot of work and as Lou says, who will read it? More than likely the people who'll do a search in any case.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Watch and see how many people read the DirtWeek FAQ I put together for Okie.

Still, I like the idea. If nothing else, sort the archived threads into like catagories as a start.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Like others mentioned, most kiddies don't take the time to read things first. Whether you have an extensive FAQ or not, you're still going to have X ammount of repetitive questions.


Nov 17, 2001
I think it might be ok to keep answering the same questions over and over again.

Most people feel that the FAQ's are old or out of date.

To have someone take the time to answer a question in real time feels good. I think it is this idea that makes people come back or be willing to join.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by atc3434`
With this site, I feel that this sort of thing would be very helpful, a collection of articals on all sorts of commonly asked bike questions.

By all means build one. Once you have it finished we'll make sure it gets posted in a spot where everyone can get easy access to it. :thumb:


May 17, 2001

I agree.



Originally posted by Hondaxrguy

I agree.

Me too. If it is a question that already has a thread with super-detailed info in it, I try to answer the question briefly and then link to the old thread and tactfully point toward the "search" function. :thumb: I do understand that there is so much info archived here, that it can be a little overwhelming at first.


Nov 17, 2001
I am jus tthinking about myself when I say this.

I joined and sent money in because Eric Gore took the time to help me on a Big Bore kit for my YZ. It was one he did not even make!

This impressed the heck out of me.

Not to leave anyone out, but it would be worth it to pay 5.00 per month to have a chance to talk to folks (Eric, Rich, etc.) that post here.

I can search for free (when it works!)
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