Walt Hollis

Apr 8, 2002
For about a year I have been dealing with an anoying ankle injury. The issue happens when I ride mx and also when I wake board. When I land a bike or wake board the impact flexes my ankles. On one of my ankles it is as if it flexes too far; my foot seems to come up to far towards my shin and then I get a huge pain spasm. About two days later my arch on my foot will turn black and blue. If I land hard and my foot happens to be up on the balls of my foot the impact drives your heel down and causes it to happen. I know if I see my doctor he will tell me it is not broken and stop riding mx.

Any thoughts?


Apr 16, 2003
I'm wondering if you might have a dislocation that's healed wrong.Did you have Xrays of yur foot on the inital accident?

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Ankles seem to take FOREVER to heal.  IMO it's at least partly due to limited circulation, plus you are always putting weight on the area or aggravating the injury.  I think you should at least see a Dr. to find out what the exact problem is.    

Can't help with your diagnosis, but FWIW I had a minor ankle break + stretched ligaments and it bothered me for years.  We are not talking 2 years; more like 10 years.  It's frustrating as hell, but it gradually got better.  Other people I know with ankle troubles also had ridiculously long healing time.  


Apr 6, 2002
hey this is a little off topic but when you are wakeboarding does your right leg get extremly sour after about half hour to an hour of boarding? i took it up 3 years ago and this just bugs me because i cant stay on for as long as i want to.

Walt Hollis

Apr 8, 2002
Thanks for the feedback, I am going in to see my doctor. I have never had it looked at before. I always put off the things that are not clearly obvious, but this is just getting to be a hassle. In my last race I landed wrong and it spasmed. It took me about two laps just get the pain out of my head and back to speed.

On the wakeboarding, it is my back foot. The back foot tends to flex more on impact then the front since it lands first. The worst part is that if you aggrevate it wakeboarding you have to bend the ankle again to get it out of the binding. Once it was so bad I took the binding apart with a scredriver because I could not stand the pain of getting my foot out.

- Walt
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