another new bike help!!


Oct 24, 2006
Try to include the following info in your first post
1) I'm 5'7" and weigh 190lbs
2) pretty physical I can toss my street bike around turns
3) Plan to ride in the woods, mountains, sand, and desert (i live in southern california)
4) riding experience only consists of 8 years of street bike and an occasion one day trip on someone else bike
5) I have no intention of racing
6) I can take my streetbike apart other than the frame and the engine, other than that I go to the shop for any valve work
7) I prefer something that is short enough for me to stand on while stopped. My inseam is very short about 29 inches. I can tiptoe while on my street bike but stopping on dirt bikes worry me because the ground is not always level with lots of loose rocks and gravel
8) I have a big dealer (bert's motorcycle) that carries all of the brands so I have no brand preference
9) I love to ride! So if I'm not riding my street bike i'll be riding my dirtbike
10) I do prefer a four stroke over a two stroke (just limited knowledge on two stroke motors) and I'm looking for something used and cheap under $2500. I don't need the big and baddest thing out there but I want a bike that I won't get bored with.

I saw the Honda crf 230 is this any good! I rode a 125 and thought it didn't have much balls so got bored of it. Guys my inseam is really short and I don't think I can ride anything bigger than a 250 but your knowledge is much more intensive than my so open to any suggestions. All input are really appreciated. Thanks


Mar 13, 2006
With your street riding expirence If you can fit on one I would say just go with a 250 two stroke. If your worried about touching the ground and stuff a CRF 230 would be good because they have a lower seat height.
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