Any Oregon riders out there??


Dec 8, 2000
I was just curious if there is any Oregon riders out there? I am currently in California but I am looking to relocate to Oregon. I am just curious What is one of the nicest OHV areas there? I want to take a week and visit a few of them. Also which one of them has good camping areas. Near Portland...Thanks
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Jul 24, 2001
Probably the best OHV/riding area would be the Ft.Rock/China Hat area, about 25 east of Bend. Quite a hike from Portland but definitely well organized. Free maps at entrance and extremely well marked desert trails. Gets cold at night and may soon get snow though. Another good place closer to Portland is the Brown's Camp/Roger's Camp area about an hour west of Portland at the summit of Hwy. 6. Rogers is a day use only area and Brown's has overnight camping for a fee. There is a map of the trail system available there and the trails are typical tight woods coast range fare. If you like woods riding this is probably the best area in the state but it is also steep and rocky in some areas. This is my favorite place in Oregon but is a little more intimdating for beginners or kids than the China Hat area.


Jun 8, 2000
I agree with rapids and I usually ride in the Brown's camp-Jordan Creek areas. Browns camp and Jordan Creek both have basic camping with pit toilets, pump water, and fire rings. Browns camp has a camp host most of the year, and the trails are more suited to beginner riders, but it get muddy this time of year. Jordan creek trails don't get as muddy because they are rock based, and are generally steeper and more challenging. I also love riding at East fort rock but it is a much farther drive and conditions are only good for riding in the spring and fall. And if you like to ride MX, Washougal is just across the river. If you go to the oregon off highway vehicle association, and click on riding areas it gives descriptions and directions to most of the riding areas.


Jul 11, 2001
I used to live in Oregon, and rode a lot at the Central Oregon Recreation Area near Chemult; lots of great, fast woods trails, sandy roads, hills. Don't know if it's still open. China Hat is great for desert riding.

Also, there were a ton of tight, technical woods trails at Shotgun Creek near Springfield. The land was owned by a timber company that permitted off-road riding.

Check out the coast dunes at Florence and Winchester Bay. And the greatest woods riding in the world is in the Trask Mountains near Yamhill.


Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by JMD

Check out the coast dunes at Florence and Winchester Bay. And the greatest woods riding in the world is in the Trask Mountains near Yamhill.

I'll agree with all of this! The Trask is awesome, however, there are no marked trails, and maps (at least the ones I've seen) are dubious at best.
We love the dunes and try to make it to the sand at least 3-4 times a year.
There is also dispersed camping at Lyda, so, no fee, but no facilities either.
There will be snow soon at the higher elevations I'm guessing...and it's muddy as hell, hope you don't mind!
If you're looking to ride with someone, email us and we'd be happy to go with you..
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