Anyone in the Central Valley, CA??


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Hey L2F!! I was in Modesto, but now over in Livermore. Check out the ride in Clear Creek hosted by the Salinas Ramblers coming up weekend of Dec 7-9. Its out in Coalinga, nearer to you than me. You will meet some other D36 and D37 peeps. I put a post in the Places to Ride Organized Ride Forum. Good to see you here! How are the injuries doing?


Mar 3, 2004
Unfortunately the injuries are still a bit of a PITA, but getting better every day... My biggest problem is getting the boots to be comfortable, I try them on every week, I'm thinking of upping my dose of Neurontin (a nerve med) just so I can wear my stinkin' boots!! I'm going nuts, not able to ride!! :bang:

Thanks for posting the link to the ride... are you going?? I think I'm going to sign up & plan on it, even if only for Saturday... its so close! I've got to be in Newport Beach that Sunday night for a conference.

Bummer, everything always has to be on the same day!!


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Yes, I'm planning to go and so is Karna&Justin, Rickyd and Kawidude and you'll meet a bunch of others as well. I might not be there til Saturday either because I'm returning from a trip to Chicago on Friday (still trying to get out of the whole trip altogether!)

Glad to hear you are healing up - you wen't through a really bad experience for sure and you're still getting back on the bike, I think that's great. :)


Aug 29, 2007
san jose born and raised, heading down to clear creek in a couple weeks, never been there before, hollister=2400 acres clear creek=75000 acres, should be fun
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