arena-cross on spode vision

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
i saw arena cross on speed vision last night. i love that stuff! that is my favorite type of dirt bike racing. it's a gosh darn street fight on mx bikes. they talked to damon bradshaw (he had a baaad night) and he made reference to the fact that people look down on arena cross, but he said "come on out and try it" .it'll be here feb 1,2,3. that was the circuit inwhich i intoduced the wife to mx. she was stoked,never seen anything like it. before hand she never showed any interest in that stuff.i think it was the wife seeing the arena cross in person that led to her wanting a bike and "allowing" me to spend 6k$ of family finances on the wr. VIVE ARENACROSS!:)
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