
Apr 22, 2001
Most everyone says that you can ride longer without getting tired as quick on a 125, compared to a 250. How about arm pump, will one get less arm pump on a 125, or is arm pump mainly due to individual riding technique and/or physical condition, and not the bike?


Apr 27, 2001
Bigger the bike the more the vibration and the more energy you need to muscle the bike so bigger bikes do tend to give arm pump faster.

If you work out, like me, you will tend to get arm pump faster because your muscles are use to getting blood pump to them and generally get use to getting pumped up faster than someone who does not work out. When I ride and take my shirt off i look like I just got out of the gym and my buddies muscles generally still look like jellow.

Take aspril, it thens the blood and helps.


Jul 21, 2001
I always felt it was more work to ride a 125. When I first went to a 250 I was amazed at how much the extra power helped to make it less work. To answer your question I didnt notice much difference in arm pump, it made more of a difference what I had for dinner the night before.


Sponsoring Member
Apr 29, 2001
If you work out, like me, you will tend to get arm pump faster because your muscles are use to getting blood pump to them and generally get use to getting pumped up faster than someone who does not work out

That is why I only work out in the winter.


If the cause of arm pump is from working out, then you are on the wrong work out program. Basically, there are two types of muscle development; slow twitch and fast twitch muscle tissue. Slow twitch tissue is longer, it holds and carries more oxygen. Fast twitch is shorter muscle fiber that causes more strength and power.

Endurance athelets like motorcycle racers need to develop slow twitch fibers. If you train with light weights and higher repetitions, you will develop better endurance without pumping up. Get a book that focuses on developing endurance with weights. You will find yourself getting stronger and able to ride longer without pumping up.


Mar 7, 2001
What has helped me with arm pump is standing more and staying as far forward as possible. I seems this allows me to control my position partially with my legs so I takes less effort to hold on. This way I can stay relaxed longer.


Nov 2, 2000
I used to get some arm pump,but have found out a system that works for me.
Comfortable handlebars,Tags,Renthals work good,two aspirin before a ride and LOTS of water before ,during and after a ride.:cool:
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