Yep that's right, I have been awarded by my good friends "the trees" a new name today....After repeated attempts to dodge trees that just seem to jump out at me, I have given up the fight. I have decided it is easier to just chat with them while laying on my back and looking up at the big beautiful leaves. You would be surprised at what you can find to chat about while in this position. It was at this point today that I waved my white flag and asked the tree's to please forgive any wrongs I have done to them in the past.
It went well from that point on for the rest of the day. I didn't have anymore tree's jump out at me, nor did they even try and reach out at me with any limbs. And as I was leaving today I stopped and thanked them for the peace we shall enjoy on further rides.
Now looking back on the events of the day, I think I made a wise decision to make peace. But let it be known that I will now carry a chainsaw in my truck just in case the day comes they break peace and decide to attack me again.....
So I am no longer crf250x_man, I am now known by all trees as "TreeTalker"
Now if you have any of these same problems feel free to give me a shout, as I will try and make peace between you and the offending tree. Take my advise though, it is VERY expensive to try and wage war with trees. I have numerous Doctor bills to prove this point. Well good night to all and remember, trees are our friends.........Lee :joke: