Attn. NY Riders


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
It looks like the jury is still out on confirming Pete Grannis, Gov. Spitzer's nominee, to head the NYS Department of Evironmental Conservation. Grannis, a liberal-democrat, is a Manhattan attorney who was elected as Assemblymen for the 65th District back in 1974. In the state assembly his primary focus has been healthcare and, most notably, pushing for the statewide smoking ban that went into effect in 2003. In January Spitzer nominated Grannis for the top DEC position. Sportsmen are strongly opposed to Grannis taking over the DEC. They do not want someone from downstate, particularly Manhattan, regulating fishing and hunting.

In the first round of hearing today Grannis laid out his priorities for the DEC:

-Rebuilding the agency
-Climate Change
-Dam Safety
-Smart Growth and sustainability
-Environmental justice

Time ran out so the completion of this hearing has been postponed until next week.

I've looked a lot into Grannis' record as a state assemblymen. No where could I find his position on ATVs. However I do find the environmental groups are pushing for his nomination to go through. His priorities, specifically "Rebuilding the agency, Climate Change and Environmental justice" do not sit well with me.
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