
Oct 23, 2002
Just a few guys in Wisconsin havin fun this summer
at my backyard track. My son, (quad)
a couple of his friends, and myself (rm)
we ride when we can, and shot some footage this summer
Tried my hand at a little video editing and it turned out pretty nice. Lemme know what ya think, If nothin else it'll make ya wanna ride =)



Jul 9, 2003
Pretty good for a first try, Pretty good shot set up for a first timer, one tip: use the fancy transitions sparinly, maybe some more variety eg. railing berms, power slides (especialy with the quad):) use diferent shots (close, wide,master) maybe some dialogue to break the action. Although it was like I said pretty good for a first try I know my first films were worse. take my criticisims with a grain of salt, I do not know how but if I could UPLOAD one of my dirtbike films (I have made streetbike and Ski films and some documentaries for my friends), it is 35mins so I know dial uppers would not like that. Good Job none the less! :) keep it up!


Dec 1, 2003
Very cool! What software are you using? I'm using Pinnacle for my www.slotcartv.com project, but it has some limitations that really bug me. Yours looks very good. Bravo. Oscar!


Jul 9, 2003
try Vegas Video 4.0 from Sonic Foundry or Premire those are the same stuff that TV and small movie studios use, you may have to use KAZAA to get it cause it costs big bucks but it is 5.1 sound compatible (so you can set up your sound stage) and has 3D rendering but you will need a really good video card ATI's 9600 All-in-wonder or better and loads of RAM and hard drive (I have 1Gig Ram and two 250 gig hard drives)

The Tortoise

Feb 19, 2002

I agree with JunkMan. It is fun to play with silly transisitions, but do you see the pros do this.

I do video web pages.

Check out Heather Wilsons page I just finished. It should help.


My new company is

www.websandmoore.com . I have a nice video of a family history in Presentions. Also home page is full of repeating videos.

Also the family site is

www.tortoiseracing.com Good opening video of my son at a Hare Scramble

All videos are for Broadband and will play ok on 56K.

I use www.wildform.com for all my compression for the web. I use to use Sorenson 3. I use Pinnacle Liq Edition, Adobe Aftfer Effects 6 and Commotion.

Send me a email and I will guide you in what to do. Also you need to tell a story and not keep repeating yourself. Jump, Jump, Jump, etc. I did like the end with the static. A better story would be getting ready for the day, driving out to ride, some jumps, some turns, some accidents, etc,


The Tortoise

Feb 19, 2002
One other thing.

1. Throw all the video clips onto your timeline and then organize them.
2. Ask yourself. What is interesting to me and what is interesting to a stranger. Is the video too long? Should I zoom into some of the shots. How many of the same type of jump do I need. Will anyone get bored with watching all the same jumps for several minutes.

You did nice for a first try. But start asking some questions. I keep the web stuff short. Heck, I keep all my stuff short. If I made a movie it would be long, but then I would have a plot and some dialog. When I buy a motorcylce video I get bored after so many of the same thing.

Also on my Presentaion page of previous post, I tell the user my compression settings when your cursor is over the demo title.

This might help you. You can always email me too

[email protected]

I hope I didn't upset you. I have a habit of doing this at times. But I wanted to give you a good direction.



Jul 9, 2003
hey Tortoise I will have to keep you in mind so I can ask for some tips! I wish I could upload my movie some how. so you could critique it, Basically my movie is "On any Sunday" and "Cribs" about me and my friends and how we started riding all rolled into one. Aproximatly 30 mins long.

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