
Feb 14, 2001
I am wanting to start racing at 14 years old.I live around a hour from Celeste and I hear that Badlands Mx is a nice place to ride.Has anybody rode there and what did yall think of it and would yall suggest that I should start racing there and how did most people there treat you there as a beginner or just a rider because I know I will mess up and get in peoples way:p lol and I don't want to get gripped out by some more experienced rider.So what are yall expierences there and did you like it or not?Thanks
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Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by nkg7
I know I will mess up and get in peoples way:p lol and I don't want to get gripped out.

don't sell yourself short. you might be surprised. i thought the same thing when i started racing. then in my first race, i got second place.
i rode at badlands once earlier this year and it was a very "beginner friendly" track. there is a thread about some track changes that they have made since then.

Ms. Badlands

Aug 10, 2000

I invite you to come out to this Friday Night's Race at Badlands MX and watch. We try to keep the track "beginner friendly" while still making the track interesting for the advanced riders. Are you riding an 80cc or 125cc bike? We offer an 80cc beginner class and a 125 beginner class at ALL races.

I suggest you come out to some practices before you try to race. It will give you a feel for the track and the layout of the park.

Good luck!
Ms. Badlands

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
go for it

while I have ridden but never raced at the Badlands I can tell you from experience there are no better people than Russ and Danielle. They do everything they can to make the place safe for all to ride and care very much about the riders opinions. That in itself makes it worth going.
FWIW, I am going to start my son racing in the near future and he will also be racing at the Badlands when possible. So you won't be by yourself.:)


Feb 14, 2001
Thanks yall I plan on going sometime this summer and check it out.Just have to get a ride from a friend.I would be racing in the 125 beginner since I have a 125 and find a 80 really cramped at me being 5'10 140 pounds.Also do yall allow quads at the track or have a special night or time for them?I am asking this since my friend has a warrior the one who more and likely will be the one to take me since hes 16 and need to know if he would be able to ride.Hes pretty crazy on that thing jumping a 75.ft tabletop:eek: .Thanks for those who have responded already.

Ms. Badlands

Aug 10, 2000

Yes, we allow quads on the track. Our practices are organized, so quads get their own time to practice. Check out our website at www.badlandsmx.com and look at the pics and race results. We have quite a few riders from Bonham.

see ya soon!
Ms. Badlands

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