Be carefull of MAW Colorado Springs - Internet


Dec 4, 2001
Following is the actual transcript of my nightmare last week....beware !!!

"Yes your whole order is in stock for immediate delivery"
"OK good are you sure?"
"Yes, Oh yes everything is in our warehouse now!"
"OK here is my Credit card # I will pay for 2 day shipping, you say how much??? $49? Well Ok I want this stuff OK"

(Tick, tick, tick......3 days pass.....)

"What happened to my order?"
"It will come tomorrow"
"What happened to my 2 day?"
"Talk to customer service"
"This is Stephanie in Customer service, what do you want?"
"Well I was wanting my 2 day order"
"I see it is not even in the warehouse, we don't know when it will ship"
"What? the salesman Chris lied to me"
"We don't lie at MAW"
"I want to cancel my order, with full credit to my card"
"If I get a chance"
"EXCUSE ME?, I'd like to talk with your supervisor"
"That would be the owner Richard, he doesn't talk to customers"
"I can't believe that, you people are nuts"
"you want to crawl through the internet" (Laughing)...Click

(It took some work, but here is the business number in Colorado Springs).

"hello, I'd like to speak with Richard"
"Ok, just a moment"

(Now were getting there)

"Who are you, he wants to know"
"A customer"
"Richard doesn't talk to customers"


Mar 12, 2001
Thats life. Deal with it.

Next time i bet you order from somebody that you know you can trust.

BTW. I don't think they like it when you post the same thing in multiple forums.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
I have attempted to order from MAW before with little or no luck. I called for some prices and the rep advised that he would get to it when he got the chance. I declined to place the order. I called again later for different parts. Same problem. They acted like it was a real hassle placing the order. I get the same attitude from MAC. I will always and forever place my orders through Buykawasaki.Com, My dealer who is Kawasaki of Canton, or TUF racing. The prices might be a little steep sometimes,; eg- $85.00 for renthals; but it is worth the 0-hassle experience.

Live and learn.
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Personally, I am willing to pay a little more for outstanding service from reputable shops and mail order houses. I think we all know who the good ones are. MXSouth, EnduroEngineering, Erider, etc. Not that they have higher prices, but if they did, I'd still buy from them to avoid a hassle.
Just like who you buy from in person. How I'm treated and how well a shop stands behind their sale goes a long, long way with me. Sometimes the cheapest deal isn't always the cheapest in the long run.


dirtbike riding roadracer
Mar 28, 2001
Wow! Thats pretty messed up. It's crazy to think a company would spend so much on marketing and mess it up with poor customer service.


Sep 9, 2001
Can't you file a complaint with the BBB for this kind of crap? I had the same problem when I ordered my wife's anniversary present last year (a hammock) from Hamacher Schlemer... I paid for next day delivery because ... well the next day was our anniversary.. anyway I paid an extra $50 for that and the next day came and went without a sign of the hammock... I called them back and asked where it was and they said.. oh it is still in the warehouse.. I told her to cancel the thing and I went to Sears and bought a telescope instead... Next day - I got a hammock - for free ;) They saved face by not charging me but I think it was a mistake... shhhhhhh


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by Sage
Wow! Thats pretty messed up. It's crazy to think a company would spend so much on marketing and mess it up with poor customer service.
Once they have your money, they have little incentive to give you good service. satotprdog, as soon as I hung up the phone after they basically told you to "sit down and shut up", I would have been on the phone to my cedit card company to put the charge into dispute. You did not receive what you payed for (two day shipping), therefore you don't have to pay for it.


Dec 4, 2001

I guess the point I was really making is to support local shops. I know I am now. As a matter of fact, I got the same stuff for $49 less than MAW quoted, and 2002 stuff, not the 2001 stuff they were trying to find in their warehouse, if they have a warehouse.

I did call credit card company. And the company of the items I was trying to buy. Both are working to make sure this does not happen to others.

Hey I am not bitter, I am trying to point out this to save others the hassle...I was excited to be back in the dirt after 30 years out of it. Bought a bike, needed equipment, like all of us, grabbed as many magazines as possible, big glossy ad's for MAW caught my virgin eye. It can happen. It is easy to forget that a big glossy add does NOT mean a quality company. This experience shows and your replies show how little they care.



Sponsoring Member
Apr 12, 2001
What does a dealer do for you. I order from magazine. I always order from the same people as they treat me well. I get it the next day if I call before 5:00. Thats quicker then a shop can most of the time. Whose to say you are not going to get screwed at a dealer. I do my own work on my bike and can save money by mail order. Why should I go to a dealer.


You go to a dealer because sometimes, just sometimes it's nice to interact with an actual human being. And if they really appreciate your business they will do what they can to help you out. That's not saying that you shouldn't mail-order anything, but it doesn't hurt to keep the local guys up and running. The day WILL come when you will want to talk to someone, in person, face to face about what you need for parts/service. If you have an established relationship with a shop, you may get that extra effort you need.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001

You can look them Eye to eye, make demands, stomp your feet and Most importantly, buy bikes from them every few years. All at the same time, they cannot hang up the phone on you. That's the benefit that I find. If they mess with you, they lose a potential bike sale in the future.
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Sep 9, 2001
You go to a dealer because sometimes, just sometimes it's nice to interact with an actual human being.

...and by interact you mean you can smack them, right...


Oct 31, 2001
Online vs Shop

I buy most everything on line or through mail order. The shop closest to me does not offer any sort of discount even though I bought my bike there. After loading my new bike on the trailer I went back to buy a PC Works Stand and they (shop) were charging $14 more than PC retails the same item for. I have had nothing but good luck in purchasing parts and clothing from MAC and Bob's. I have to outfit three boys plus myself, therefore paying premium prices is out of the question.:debil:


I think we're straying a bit off topic here, but since we're on the subject: If you have a GOOD shop that appreciates your business, you should be able to get a fair deal on parts and service. That's not available in every area, but should be in most. Also, it's the local guys who sponsor grass-roots racers and events. They are likely the ones who were around back in the day when things were just starting to boom for dirtbikes. The particular shop that I frequent most of the time is the kind of place where they know you by name, will let you run a tab when times are lean, and even let you come in and wrench on your own machine if times are even leaner. The owner will let you watch him replace your fork seals so you can learn how to do it yourself.

As far as interacting through smacking, well, let's just say it goes both ways! I've pulled some pretty boneheaded maneuvers before and they'll call me on it, just like I would call them on it. There is a mutual respect there. I feel comfortable spending my money there. Heck, I got my first Christmas card of the season from that shop.

Those are my reasons.:)


Sponsoring Member
Apr 12, 2001
Sounds like you have an awesome dealer there BigLou. Mine are a whole lot less awesome. I have taken a bike to two different dealers and have been disatisfied with the service both times.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Maybe I do things a little backwards

I look through the mags and browse the internet to find what I want. I usually find the best price I can get my products for through the mail order places then I go to my dealer. Without ever having to mention the other sources I always get quoted a price that meets or beets the mail order places. By buying locally I support the local commerce, ensure, by doing my part, the dealer will be there the next time I go shopping and have a contact if any dissatisfaction arises.

I buy all my m/c stuff locally and I bet I could walk into the dealers store and try before you buy on items that are practical and probably even borrow a bike for race day if needed. Bottom line, if I take care of my dealer he'll take care of me. The day I bought my 1st bike from him he said "The more you come in here and buy from me, the more of a discount you'll get." He proves to have been a man of his word.:cool:


Sponsoring Member
Apr 12, 2001
"The more you come in here and buy from me, the more of a discount you'll get." He proves to have been a man of his word

It's nice that he kept his word and now you get good prices but why should you have to prove yourself to him. You are the customer he should be offering competetive prices from the start and proving himself to you. As for supporting the local economy. They offer competitive prices I would be happy to support them. But try and charge me 27 dollars for a chain slider that is 14 on the internet. I don't think I want to support the economy that bad.


Jun 6, 2000
I love going to the dealer, the parts guy is a good friend of mine. :p
Makes it cheap and easy except they only get some stuff once a week. Oh well they give good deals if they screw up.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by Miltonyz
But try and charge me 27 dollars for a chain slider that is 14 on the internet. I don't think I want to support the economy that bad.
The problem is, many people don't take into account the $14 shipping and handling charge that they paid for their chain slider. I'm not saying there aren't better prices out there in cyber shops. But, there's no way for your friendly neighborhood bike shop to stock the number of items (in all the models, styles, and sizes) that are currently available. Heck fire, he's got to pay for stuff that more than likely nobody is going to buy. Not to mention the fact that it's all going to change next year.

I saw my good friends business go slowly down the tubes. Customers just couldn't see the value in free tire mounting (and balancing for street bikes), free expert advice, and free place to hang out on Friday nights. Some people even tried on helmets and stuff just so they could get the size right on their mail order. And they weren't even ashamed of it.

Oh well, it's a complicated situation. Just gotta try to balance things out somehow.


Oct 31, 2001
I, for one, could appreiciate a place to hang out and get advice, except that the shop that I do go to at times is 22 miles away. Back when I started racing in the late 70's service was much better. I wold walk in to the shop request my parts, which 9 times out of 10 they had, and be told that I received 10-15% discount. I am tired of wasting my time by driving to a dealer and going hmoe empty handed because they did not have a throttle or clutch cable or a master link for a 428 chain. I don't know about the rest of you but staying home and having my parts delivered to my house for a 14 dollar charge beats the hell out of driving 44 miles roundtrip and spending 2 1/2 hours in my car.

Secondly, if shops want to maintain these huge buildings with multiple employees carry the bikes of the Big Four, water craft and snowmobiles, they are never going to be competitive with online shopping because of the lower overhead. I have specifically asked about discounts if I buy my bike there and let them know that I have three kids riding as well. The answer was that I received no answer at all. Sorry, but a little profits from my purchases is better than NO PROFIT from my shopping online:p


Nov 27, 2001
I would like to support my local shop also, but the other day I drove 25 miles and visited four motorcycle shops in order to find the part I needed. I was told "I order it for you, it will take a week."

Okay, sure or I can order it and have it here in three days and pay $40 less.

The very rare part I needed? A nineteen inch back tire. Just any nineteen inch tire. I was told that it is November and the race season is over so we don't want to stock any 19" rear tires all winter. I guess no one else rides a mx bike in the winter.

So, basically it if I need anything more than oil, I will mail order.;)


Sep 9, 2001
Support the local shop? How about not price gouging the cost of a part because your the only shop in town!!! Honestly I would love to be best friends with the owner of a dirtbike shop and get all the discounts and free service but to be realistic I only have time to go into a bike shop two or three times a year when I need something - why should I have to establish a relationship with these guys to get a decent price?


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by BigLou
I've pulled some pretty boneheaded maneuvers before

Were those on or off the bike, Lou? ;)

I agree with BigLou. Most of the time, if your willing to support a local shop, they will be willing to help you out. Notice I said "most". Out of the four local dealers in my area, two of them give me a 20% discount. It usually makes the prices the same as the mail orders (on most products), plus no shipping charges. I will say that the other two dealers won't get a penny of my money, because they are WAY over retail on their prices. Like Jay-R said, though, they always have to order the parts. I just waited two weeks for some Applied bar clamps they ordered for me. And they were the wrong part. I could have ordered them myself and gotten the right part, but that's part of my decision to support local guys(only with fair prices of course).

Jay-R, go to FDR and tell them your an AMA member and a racer and they should discount the prices for you. Martin's should do the same thing. FDR usually keeps 752's and 756's in stock.
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