
Jan 3, 2004
Hey there, Im in the process of restoring my CR500. I have it completely stripped down and most of the parts polished and ready to go, the frame however is bent. At the very bottom where a skidplate would be, the tube is pushed in. The bike was previously ridden like this, so I know it will hold up, but I dont know for how long and I dont want to ruin all the parts I fixed just because of one I didnt. What would be the best approach to fixing this pushed in tube?


Sep 6, 2003
wow, thats a toughy... I wouldn't suggest trying to fix it unless you really know what you're doing... bending it back will likely weaken it more, and if it works now, that may be a bad thing...

If there is a reputable metal shop/ car frame repair shop nearby they might have some answers, or even be able to fix it right for cheap...

Be sure, before riding it, that the motor isn't angled in relation to the frame and drivetrain... eyeshot it from the rear sproket and make sure it doesn't 'wander' to one side or the other... there should be no noticeable 'yaw' to the chain.... if it is out of whack, it will cause wear problems on the drivetrain and added stress to an already stressed frame...

good luck


Jan 17, 2001
I see two options.

1) If the bent frame area does not effect the way the bike handles or alignment of the engine/drivetrain, then I suggest leaving it alone and just riding it. You could mount a plastic skid plate on it to "hide" the problem. Trying to fix the problem might just make things worse and probably will.

2) If it effects the handling or the frame is cracked, I would buy a new frame or get a parts bike with a straight frame.
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