Best price on 250F??

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Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Just curious - what kind of deals are the dealerships making on the 250F (MSRP is $5,499)??

'01 YZ 125 - #32
2000 D17 Women's Motocross Champion
Sponsors: DGY, MX-Tech, Bell, Smith, Works Connection, Boyesen, Twin Air, SoCal/DeCal Works, Morris Trailer Sales, and Skyway Trucking

Sierra Flash

Dec 29, 2000
I doubt if there is one available now, there
are a few WR250F but it varies from 5825
to 6200 plus tax.



Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Yeah Kali... I plan on riding one this weekend to check it out - I haven't been 100% satisfied with my 125 :( But you're right... I might wait until the 2002's come out in September. We'll see how things go. I've just been on this 250F kick for the past week or so :confused:

I guess there isn't much of a deal on these bikes... my fiance got his '01 426 for $5,700 (or was it $5,800??) out the door so I figured there might be similar breaks on this bike - but maybe not???

Cool pictures of Denise and Glen Helen (and that new CRF!!) I wonder if Yamaha is shakin' in their boots? :)

'01 YZ 125 - #32
2000 D17 Women's Motocross Champion
Sponsors: DGY, MX-Tech, Bell, Smith, Works Connection, Boyesen, Twin Air, SoCal/DeCal Works, Morris Trailer Sales, and Skyway Trucking


Nov 6, 2000
I can put you on a new WR250F for $5200 total. It has a total of 1.8 miles on it. the guy bought it because the KTM 400 he wanted wouldn't be in until September. After he bought it the dealership called to let him know that the one they had on the floor had had the deposit returned on and it was for sale. So he is trying to sell the Yamaha.

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