Bike hard 2 start & goes dead


Apr 16, 2004
I have a 2002 XR100R, and it's kind of hard to start sometimes, especially if I haven't ridden it in a while or if it's cold outside. I have to use the choke a lot, but soon the bike just won't run right with the choke on. So, I stop to turn it off, but my bike goes dead a lot. Then it takes forEVER to start again. :bang: Anyone know what the problem might be? :think:

:cool: :ride:


Jan 27, 2000
Sounds like you may have a clogged pilot jet. Remove the float bowl from the bottom of the carb and clean the jets. The pilot jet is the little jet next to the main jet. Take a screwdriver and remove the pilot jet and also the air screw on the side of the carb. Make sure you can see daylight through the jet and then blow air through the hole where the jet goes. You should get air coming out of the hole where the air screw goes when you do this. If not, remove the carb and soak it in some carb cleaner.

A service manual will help.

Just my $ .02

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