Bill Maher calls our military "cowardly"


Aug 13, 1999
Sears pulls ads on ABC show over "cowardly" remark
NEW YORK, Sept 19 (Reuters) - Sears, Roebuck and Co. (NYSE:S - news), the No. 4 U.S. retailer, on Wednesday said it canceled its advertising on ``Politically Incorrect,'' a late-night talk show aired on the ABC television network, after its host used the word ``cowardly'' in reference to the U.S. military........

Click here for the story.


Jul 11, 2001
Bill Maher: he usually infuriates me, sometimes says things nobody else will say; but this time I think he has really stepped on his own tongue. I hope he really catches it for that stupid comment.


Jul 27, 1999
Beaverton, OR
The irony of this story is that the Commander-In-Chief who launched those cruise missiles was none other than William Jefferson Clinton, a guy Maher has defended with religous vigor the past 8 years.....

Nobody ever accused Bll Maher of having logical, reasoned discussions, why start now.....


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Bill Maher is a obnoxious little moron, I have thrown more crap at the TV because of him, although Jerry Falwell had me blow'in coffee out my nose, there's another dipstick


Oct 7, 1999
I met him long before his show. It was way back when Bush Sr. had scored huge points with his statement, in a televised debate, that he was a "card carrying member of the NRA." It was a social occasion (a private suite after a Kings hockey game), and Maher was an out of work sort-of celeb actor (anyone remember him doing anything good?). He wore a button that said "card carrying member of the ACLU."

Not biased. Nope, not in the least.

Also dumb as a box of rocks. I wish more people were familiar enough with a broad range of issues to understand just how inconsistent, hypocritical, and dumb he is.


May 9, 2001
Here's the transcript for that episode Transcript - the discussion that caused the uproar is towards the bottom third of the page.

I think the panelists were discussing a valid point that has been a common theme - what military and non-military solutions will prevent these attacks in the future? You'd have thought that even as "politically incorrect" as Maher and his guests are, that they'd have the sense to not pollute their discussion by referring to past military actions as having been "cowardly". Pretty dumb.

What makes his gaffe all the more amazing is that this is the show where they held a seat empty in memory of Barbara Olson, who was on one of the hijacked planes, en route to appear on his show.


Jun 20, 2001
Yep, this would be me also.:)

Originally posted by JPIVEY
Bill Maher is a obnoxious little moron, I have thrown more crap at the TV because of him, although Jerry Falwell had me blow'in coffee out my nose, there's another dipstick


Feb 4, 2001
At least he stabs us in the heart and not in the back like most of his brethren do. He claims to be a Libertarian, but he would be murdered if he ever showed up at a Libertarian event. He is a Liberal and he is a coward for lying about who he is. He sends me into fits of rage. I don't know why Conservatives even go on his show, they are always attacked, name called, and ridiculed by the rest of his moronic guests. That and his show is anything but Politically Incorrect.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I think this time around Ted Nugent needs to write the "theme song" everyone will be playing.

Enough of these mealy-mouthed liberal wackos. If they're so brave, let them sign up and be on the front lines!

I think a lot of these "entertainers" who have stepped on their di, er, toungues this last week are wishing they'd just stayed quiet. Did you hear what Michael Moorer said? He said they "attacked the wrong people" since New Yorkers didn't vote for Bush! He thought they should have went for some targets in the heartland.

What a bunch of tools.:silly:


Jun 20, 2001
Originally posted by XRpredator
I think this time around Ted Nugent needs to write the "theme song" everyone will be playing.

Enough of these mealy-mouthed liberal wackos. If they're so brave, let them sign up and be on the front lines!

I think a lot of these "entertainers" who have stepped on their di, er, toungues this last week are wishing they'd just stayed quiet. Did you hear what Michael Moorer said? He said they "attacked the wrong people" since New Yorkers didn't vote for Bush! He thought they should have went for some targets in the heartland.

What a bunch of tools.:silly:

Who is Michael Moorer? Forgive my ignorance.


May 9, 2001
Slacker. You're obviously not keeping up to date on your "mealy mouthed liberal wackos" like XR is.

He's probably best known for his movie "Roger and Me".

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Send the little dorks here to the heartland-I'm sure us bass-ackwards contry folks could find some good use for those two:scream:

Yep, tools with a capital "T"

BTW, Mr Bush did every American proud tonight-God bless us all. And thanks to you President Bush!:)

angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
You people in the heartland hold this country together! Living on the west coast can be nice, but when I hear that fire departments in Berkley, California are afraid to put up the American flag because of fear protesters vandalizing the stations, I get sick. How can ANYONE not support our country at a time like this. To think that Americans have died all over the world so that these fools have the freedom to protest us at a time like this. These are the cowards who would never fight for our country, but are the first to hide behind it's freedoms.


May 9, 2001
The aforementioned Bill Maher is on the O'Reilly show tonight in a few minutes, just caught a blurb flipping channels after the Presidential address - Remove all sharp / heavy objects from room and tune in.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 16, 2000
Maher is an idiot. A request to all DRN members. Email ABC and let them know that you are dissapointed with their decision to have Policitcally Incorrect on the air and will STOP WATCHING ALL ABC PROGRAMMING UNTIL POLITICALLY INCORRECT IS NO LONGER ON ABC.

I for one am proud of the stand Sears has taken.


Mar 7, 2001
Re: Cowardly?

Originally posted by BigLou
I know of a few Marines that would like to argue that baseless point.

Any Marine worth his salt, wouldn't consider Mr. Maher worth arguing with.

There are a lot of dimbulbs in the world and here in the good ole US the same rights that protect us, allow these morons to speak. It is sort of part and parcel. You take the bad with the good.

I'm sure Mr Maher's comments about the cruise missles was aimed at former President Bush and the Gulf War not at Clinton. He probably convinently forgot Clinton ever ordered any strikes.

As far as people not supporting the country:
1. There are always a radical few that will object to anything.
2. Many of the protestors are too young to remember when the US had a real conflict and people tend to fear and reject the unknown.
3. Some disenting opinion is a good thing, those that disagree with the way things are being handled and have alternative suggestions have the responsibility to voice it. It helps make the country strounger. (Unfortunatly, seeing we really haven't done anything yet, the protests are permature and unfounded)

Those that are protesting but voice no alternatives:
1. Need to be reminded that their right to protest comes from many thousands of American's from before the revolutionary war to present being willing to fight and die for the idea of freedom.
2. Need to shut up.


Feb 9, 2000
Ain't free speech a great thing, this past week has really shown up Bill Maher, Jerry Faldwell and Pat Robertson for the people they really are, only in a free society can a man self-destruct "freely" :)

God Bless America ;)


Jun 20, 2001
Originally posted by BunduBasher
Ain't free speech a great thing, this past week has really shown up Bill Maher, Jerry Faldwell and Pat Robertson for the people they really are, only in a free society can a man self-destruct "freely" :)

God Bless America ;)


Thanks for a good laugh.

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