bleeding brakes on crf250r


Aug 24, 2006
When I was cleaning my brake I took the brake line off and got some air in it. Now the break wont work and I dont know how to bleed the air out. My dads friend told me I dont need a tool to bleed the air on my 2004 crf250r. So I was wondering if anyone new how to do it. Thank you.


Aug 24, 2006
If anyone can help quick I would appreciate it because I have to go to point pleasant tonight because I am going to a practice race tommorow morning. Thanks alot.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
This is from another post. You don't need a brake bleeder but you will need a piece of clear tubing.


You will need to bleed the brakes. The following is from Patman, cira 2004:

Do you know where the front brake lever is? If yes continue if no take bike to somebody that does.

Do you know whare the brake caliper is? If yes continue, if no follow hose from the front brake lever down to the chunk of metal at the other end.

Looking at the caliper do you see a "bolt" tha doesn't look like it is holding anything to anything? If yes this could be the bleed nipple, if no start at top again but select "no".

To verify this is the nipple it may or may not have a rubber cap, if it does remove it if it does not chances are you are going to have all kinds of crud packed in there and you should take the bike to somebody that knows what they are doing.

If you found the nipple and have removed the rubber cap then verify there is not a bunch of crud packed in the end of the nipple anyhow.

Get a piece of clear hose about 18" long that fits snugly over the ed of the nipple. If you do not have this type of hose pick up a manual while you are getting the hose.

Attach hose to end of nipple.

Take the appropriate size wrench and just crack the nipple lose. Remember lefty loosey, righty tighty?

Place end of hose in an old bottle with a little brake fluid in it.

Remove the top of the brake master cylinder. You remember up there on the handle bar right?

Be sure the MC has fluid in it and is almost full.

Pump the brake lever a few times and then hold it in. DON'T LET GO!

Crack the nipple and some fluid should squirt in to the hose. DON'T LET GO!

Tighten the nipple.


Check to be sure the MC has a full fill of fluid.

Repeat pump, loosen, tighten, release.

Keep doing this over and over until clean fluid comes out the hose.

If you forget to check the MC and it sucks air start all over.

It's a heck of a lot easier to do than to tell you how to do it without pictures. If you are not comfortable doing this DON'T DO IT!!! Brakes are more important that throttle and you could mess up and do damage to yourself, your bike or others.


Oct 31, 2005
All I do is fill the reservoir up to the brim or just below, put a flexible clear pipe over the bleed nipple on the caliper, put the pipe into a part filled clear jar of brake fluid so it is submerged in the fluid, crack open the bleed nipple about 1/2 a turn, pump the lever one full stroke, hold down, tighten the bleed nipple and release, repeat this process until all of the air has stopped coming out from the tube. Make sure during this operation that the reservoir is kept topped up at all times above the minimum level. When all of the air is finally out, hold the brake lever down, tighten the bleed nipple and release the brake lever. Operate the lever a few times until the pads seem like they are gripping the disc and top up the reservoir to the maximum level. Replace the reservoir cap/lid and off you go.


Aug 24, 2006
Thanks alot guys you helped alot! I got the brakes bled and they work fine now. Thanks agian.
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