Boudreaux at the camp


Dirtweek Junkie
Feb 15, 2002
Boudreaux had a bad snoring problem, so the fellas with him decided to take turns sleeping in the same room with him. Thibadeaux goes first and the next morning he wakes up red eyed with his hair all messed up and says "man that boudreaux can snore, I watched him all night."

Pierre goes the second night with the same results red eyed and messed up hair.

The third night its Dodo's turn. He gets up the next morning all bright eyed and bushy tailed and said "thats the best night sleep he ever got." Boudreaux comes out the room with his eyes all blood shot and hair all messed up. They said "man dodo how you do it."

dodo said "before I went to sleep I kissed boudreaux on the lips and said<female voice on> night night boudreaux<female voice off> and he whatched me all night."

:laugh: :laugh:
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