Breezy Hill, La. maps?


Jul 14, 2002
I am trying to find some info on the Breezy Hill riding area near Dry Prong, La. I have rode out there once and love it. The problem is nothing is marked. Couldn't just ride the trail w/o worrying if I was getting lost. I checked with the Forest Service and they don't have any maps. I am looking for some maps or insight to the trails there. I have a map of the fire roads that surround the area and a makeshift map from last years enduro of the spectator areas. Anyone have any info or can point me in the right direction? Thanks.
P.S. If you know the area and want to go ride, please let me know I live in the Lafayette area and will spring for the gas!


Jul 14, 2002
No, it isn't private. I thought the same thing. So I called the President of the Breezy Hill Riding club and he said the trials are public. I went and rode and loved it. Lots of single track. Nothing like Forest Hill. The trails are too tight for the 4wheelers to ride so they don't get to tear it up. I am just waiting for the USFS to open the damn forest again so we can ride legally. I went once a few weeks back when it was still closed and there was not a soul around. Kinda of spooky out there by yourself, but I had to ride. It was very wet and muddy. Some of the trials were actually little creeks, with all the rain we have been getting. Overall, it wasn't that bad. If you want to go ride out there sometime let me know. I live in the Lafayette area:

Josh Cook

Oct 6, 2000
You might call my dad Jim Cook 870-725-3966. We have been members of Breezy Hills for several years. He is a past President ot the club and should have a map or two. He could at least tell you a few things about the area to help keep you from gettgin lost. It is a fun place to take the family to camp and trail ride and I am looing forward to going there again very soon.
Maybe we can hook up.
You can email me @ or just call the above # between 9am to 6PM Central time. We live in South Arkansas and the trails are only 2.5 to 3 hrs away..

Hope this helps Josh Cook RN.


Jul 14, 2002
Josh, this is Blanco from ACHS. I am buds with Danny Ellis and that group. I saw you at Superlift with your long blond flowing hair! That wig is funny. I will drop your pop a line. Breezy Hill is a sweet place to ride. It is about 1.5 hours from my house. I need to stop by in Smackover next time I am headed for a race in Arkansas b/c I need some tires for my bike.
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