Bye-Bye San Rafael!


Sep 22, 2000
San Rafael May Become Monument

SouthEastern Utah OHV Club,

It has come to our attention that Gov. Leavitt is going to request that President Bush declare the San Rafael Swell a national monument in light of the 2002 Olympics.

For KSL CH.5 News coverage:

I am urging everybody to oppose this and send a letter to the President asking to deny this request.

:::::::: You may use the following letter as an example just make needed changes ::::::::::::::

Dear Mr. President,
As you may know, local and state officials from Utah will formally request that you use your executive powers to declare the San Rafael a national monument in light of the 2002 Olympics. As a resident of Price Utah (within thirty minutes of the San Rafael Swell), I among family members and friends please urge you to deny their request for a national monument. We believe it is a step in the wrong direction for the beautiful land we spend so much time on.
We are avid outdoorsmen who enjoy the land as it is. We access the land via motorized and unmotorized vehicles to simply enjoy what we have. We are afraid that by declaring this a National Monument will have a great impact on how we can use and enjoy our land.
I am among thousands who feel the same way about this most recent issue. Please don't let them take our land away from us. Thank you for your time.


You can send a letter like the one above and be active---or you can sit back and do nothing but watch one of the "GREATEST RIDING AREAS IN THE WORLD BE GIVEN AWAY FOR POLITICAL FAVOR!"

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
When choosing the topic under which it wil be visible to others, it implied that you should choose only one topic. I selected both "Environment" and "Water/Land use" ... which one do you normally use?


Sep 22, 2000
I sent it to about four different ones

The two you mentioned and Rural, can't remember the rest.
I am so outraged that I just clicked every one that sounded right.

Folks if you do not know what the San Rafael area is --- just think of the dream places everyone wants to someday ride--Baja--Jawbone--Moab!

The San Rafael Swell is the best part of Moab!

I swore off ever posting about Land issues again---I keep remembering something about pearls and swine! :mad:
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