C1 model with no top end power?


Dec 11, 2004
Anybody had this experience? Trusty old machine owned since new. Now she just wont rev out. Have done the power valves, crank seals, in fact complete engine rebuild top to bottom. Suspect one of the ignition windings maybe the culprit.
Any help out there?

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Will it rev high in neutral, or does it only refuse to rev under load? Any difference in behavior during hot or cold operation?

Make sure you are getting enough fuel - could be something simple like the vent in the fuel tank cap is clogged, maybe a clogged sreen in the pet-c*o*c*k. If you have a fuel filter on it, remove it in case it is restrictive.

If you are sure it is getting enough fuel, I also suspect ignition. When the stator started going bad on my old '84, the first symptoms were difficulty in cold-starting the bike and poor running when the bike was hot.


Dec 11, 2004
Thanks Dirt Bike Dave. Refuses to rev even in neutral. Oddly enough it starts OK though. I am pretty certain of the fuel situation but I will try as you suggest.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Did this symptom happen right after the rebuild or sometime after? It might make a difference troubleshooting. Pull the cover on the powervalve and start the bike. Rev the engine and observe the powervalve actuator. Could be that the powervalve is out of time.


Dec 11, 2004
This bike was recovered after being stolen. Has been rebuilt while out of my possession so I did a full rebuild myself again. The KIPS system is timed and working according to the KDX manual. My first impression that this was possibly not functioning and loading the piston up too much. Tried Dirt Bike Daves fuel tip. No luck there either. I have taken the resistance figures of the stator and They are NOT as suggested in the manual but I keep being told the book figures arent right. Any one know what they are supposed to be.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Not sure what the stator figures should be, but FWIW stator prolems are common on the older KDX's. Much more likely to be your problem than CDI. While I paid to have my '84's rewound, it seems like a job you could do yourself with the right materials and some patience. I know I've seen pages on the internet with instructions.
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