
May 20, 2003
On a single cam engine how do set the cam shaft? I understand that the mark on cam needs to point to TDC mark on the head but doesn't the cam have more than one resolution per rev of the crank. Right now the cam is sitting 180 degrees off so if I just rotate it 180 degrees will the valves be in the correct position?

Tony Tice

Feb 18, 2004
Cam timing

Typically speaking on a modern single cam engine putting the cam in 180 degrees off won't effect it as long as it is EXACTLY 180 deg off. TDC on any current design is when the piston is up at the very top of the cylinder, doesn't matter if it's when the points fire anymore. Timing the camshaft means putting the cam in so the lobes are either faced toward the piston or or away from the piston, just so that the timing marks on the sprocket lines up correctly. Putting lobes down so they are away from the rocker arms is the best way, then you're not fighting the valve spring's pressures. Unless it's a Honda under head cam, then you have only one way to put the cam in, with a BFH!!!!!

That help?



Dec 2, 2001
The cam rotates one revolution for each two revolutions of the the crank shaft. The engine doesn't care which time the piston is at TDC as long as there is ignition on the top of the compression stoke.

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