Having read most of the complaints about Camelbak, I thought I'd pass this on.
Camelbak currently has an online survey on their website, www.camelbak.com. One of the questions provides a space to type in your hobbies, or when you use a hydration system. I think we should all type "Motorcycle racing/riding" in this space to let them know just how many of us use hydration systems in our pasttime/sport.
Filling out the survey also registers you in a sweepstakes for a free system.
Hi, Bill Malec here. I'm the Secretary for VSTA and I don't know if I know you.(are you Alan G., by chance?).
I think we both know Jeff at teh Honda shop in Jackson.
Are you gong to make the VSTA ride at Loretta's ?
YOur link to camelbak didn't work in your original post because you wrote: www.camelbak.com. and not www.camelbak.com .(you need a space BEFORE and AFTER a link and any letters or(.) period.
I just finished it too. I also mentioned the ad that showed the young man with the Sierra Club t-shirt. I said that the ad concerned me.
The follow-up question asked what the message of the ad was. I wrote, "That Camelbak supported the Sierra Club and therefore did not support my right to ride off-road motorcycles. I immediately cut my Camelbak logo off of my hydration system."
Hopefully if enough people fill this out, they won't forget about us!
I'm AlynB, Alan G. is my brother-in-law. We both live here in Bolivar. Jeff from Bob's Honda also lives here, about 1/2 mile from me in fact.
I have not heard Alan mention anything about the VSTA ride. I would be interested in any info. you have about it. You can e-mail me at tsbyrum@bellsouth.net . Alan and his son are planning to ride as much of Mid-South series as possible this season, as am I.
Thanks on the info. about the hyperlinks, maybe this one will work.
I mentioned I was an escaped mental patient who hates tree huggers but that I reckon I was all better now so could I have some of them fries.......:scream: