canadian MX


Nov 7, 2002
I just watched some Canadian MX on Speed and I can't believe how exciting it was to see some awesome racing between 4-strokes and 2-strokes. They seemed very evenly matched. But what was more exciting than the racing were the announcers! I wish we could get those guys to do the AMA SX-MX races. They really get you into the race. It's amazing how much of a difference a good announcer can make!


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
I totally agree, excellent coverage, fantastic camera shots, they don't give a crap the grass isn't mowed, a few water hoses laying around. Just PURE action!!!! Check out that natural terrain, with what some REAL corners with Different lines! Roy, passes for the lead with a killer outside in move, on an off camber uphill turn..........just don't get any better.

the stuff they call SX is to sterile, and to much show, my love for this sport is this type of racing. hands down. Take cornering, and close racing anyday over 100 ft triples and man made whoops.


sometimes less is MORE.

brit yz125

Jan 7, 2005
Roy looks so fast, yet we know RC makes him look like anybody else when they're in the same race!


Dec 18, 2004
Another vote for Canadian MX racing coverage over AMA SX.
The current crop of American announcers SUCK!
When the racing starts they never shut up, yipping on about anything but the race. They sound like they are competing for air time.

Man, if I hear the word "bobble" one more time!!
Webster’s Dictionary: "BOBBLE". "Sport, an awkward juggling of the ball"
I’m no mastermind but I’m pretty sure we’re not playing ball here.
Is there not another word for an error or mistake these bore whores could use, or even mix it up and use a couple different words? Bobble is good now & then but how the hell did it become “the word”.
Is it possible the announcers have been raised on NASCAR? That sport has the time for mindless commentary, useless facts, boring chit chat between fender benders.
SX/MX is a high tempo, high energy sport that takes a more real time analysis. Every time they get into personal moment, so much has happened that one of the other announcers needs to take over so main mouth can catch his breath and try to find out what’s happening all over again.

Ah, even though they suck, I’m happy to be able to watch.
I could always turn the volume off like I have to when watching FIM. But they could take some pointers from the exciting to watch, on the edge of your seat CDN MX.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
brit yz125 said:
Roy looks so fast, yet we know RC makes him look like anybody else when they're in the same race!

You mean like he does to everyone else on the planet save for Stewart?

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I have not seen any of the Candian races this year, but I loved watching them last year! They usually had excellent camera work with relatively few cameras, enthusiastic announcers, tight racing, you could hear the bikes, etc... You would also get to see more than just the top 2 racers.

On a shoe string budget they deliver coverage that is much more exciting than the AMA SX and MX coverage.

brit yz125

Jan 7, 2005
Chili said:
You mean like he does to everyone else on the planet save for Stewart?
I was just highlighting the point of how good RC was. Didn't Roy win 4 consecutive championships? I saw him fall 3 times in 1 race and still finish 3rd (although we are only getting the 2004 series on Extreme sports at the mo). However, he gets smoked in the AMA rounds, so it makes RC seem even more superhuman.


Feb 3, 2002
1.) Canadian MX
2.) AMA Nationals
3.) Boo-Koo Arenacross
4.) AMA Supercross
5.) FIM MX
6.) AMA Arenacross
7.) AMA Supermotard (ick!)



May 17, 2000
I think it is some of the best racing I ever saw. Even though none of them would do very good at a American National, they are riding hard and usually bunched together making some good racing.

I like how they show all 4 races in the hour show. 2 hours would be better but at least they are showing them all together.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Another vote for Canadian MX. Came across one the other day while channel surfing. I was really impressed. Oh yeah and the announcing so much better.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002

Seemed more of a slight to Roy to me but I guess it's all perception. As far as Roy getting smoked he did two rounds last year after sitting out the winter with some injuries, he just missed the top ten at RD1 and then at round 2 he was 6th in the second moto including a holeshot on his 2004 practice bike if I recall correctly and a 2 stroke no less for 8th overall. He also won his 2004 crown over John Dowd and Damon Huffman who still seem to have a bit of speed left them. No it's not likely JSR will beat RC but I don't think his titles should be devalued either.
Apr 14, 2005
Agreed Agreed.... I love how they'll go back to even the battle for 15th, as long as it's bar to bar racing

I've been diggin their ourdoor track setups too


Apr 11, 2003
JSR got his 5th straight title this past year....

The tracks are great but always muddy and break down super quick.... Just how I want them....


Oct 12, 2004
Watch the gopher dunes race from last year (I think it was round 5) That track sure got rutted up with tons of braking bumps. It's one of the tracks I ride alot too.....I rode it the wednesday after that weekend and they still hadn't groomed was bad....but then they groomed it while we were there and it was TONS better, but go watch the Gopher Dunes round.


May 17, 2004
Canadian MX...I have to agree it's excellent racing and it's cool to see 2 strokes in action...Evidence that they are still competitive despite no advancements.

MX Junkie

Jan 3, 2006
If you think Gopher Dunes is tuff, try racing the week of the Trans Can in Walton, it gets pretty gnarly. After your racing is done, you get to watch the pros in action. Canadian mx is just as exciting to watch as AMA.


Mar 12, 2001
I love the races. I always mute the beginning of the races so I don't go deaf from hearing ... holesheeeeeeeeoooooooooottttttt!!!!!! Man it drives me crazy.


Jul 11, 2001
The Canadian racing is good, as is the coverage. Also, try the FIM World MX Championships. The announcer is very knowledgeable but he's not obnoxious. Good, classy job of adding to the race without trying to be the show himself. Ralph Sheheen, shut up!

Solid State

Mar 9, 2001
The announcing is not much better than AMA, just different. The racing is very good and the tracks look fun.

After careful listening over all the AMA rounds this year, however, I have to say that Denny really blows. Always in a hurry to state the obvious and is annoying to me. Note to Denny, I like you, but shut up if you don't know what to say or, better yet, show pictures of your wife!
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