
Sep 30, 2005
About a week ago I was riding my TS185 around the house just playing round and all of a sudden I couldn't shift down to first. :ahhh: First was still there but would go into a false neutral. And then it started happening to second on occasions. To get it into gear once it hit this false neutral I had to shift back up and then have another go at it. I kept on riding it round playing round and then I lost all gears. I've split the cases but can’t see any noticeable damage to the shifting forks. What should I be looking for? What gets me is that I could shift up no troubles. Why was it only shifting down that was the problem? This may fuel the great debate of whether to use the clutch to shift gears. But I use the clutch when I shift down so what’s the go with that. Can someone give me a wear limit on the shifters?

Does this deserve to be in the vintage forum? :blah:


Apr 25, 2000
Sounds like the shifter ratchet mechanism is not centered, or out of adjustment. Also, what do you have in the tranny for lube ? Motor oil can sometimes make tranny's shift erratic. Best to use a motorcycle specific tranny lube.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Not sure about your TS, but the only bike I ever had that did a similar thing was an '84 KDX 200. It was cured by putting a washer on the shift shaft between the right side cover and the shift detent spring. Without the washer, the spring kept popping out of place.


Nov 7, 2001
I had a problem once with a 93 KX.... The motor revved too high once and then it went into a false neutral and that was it. I thought I had ruined the tranny, but turns out the spring loaded follower that rides around the star on the end of the shifter drum had jammed out all the way. I popped it back into place and that was it.

If your shifter fork fingers are in good shape, and the tabs on the forks are nice and square ended I would bet the problem lies outside the inner cases, which is to say that you could re assemble the inner cases and trouble shoot it from the outside...shifter arm and star/pins/follwer etc...


Sep 30, 2005
How would i fix the out of centred ratchet mechanism? Is it one of those pull it apart and then put it back together again things that'll fix it? How can it be out of adjustment? I run motor oil in it yes but havnt had any problems really since now. This is more then erratic.

dirt bike dave
This detent spring is it the one that attaches to the "hook" that turns the gear cam? When yours popped out of place it wouldnt shift up or down as it would grip the cam? This doesnt sound like whats happening to mine but it has made me think that it wasnt gripping the cam. There was still "feel" in the shifter but no "clunk" sound fof the gears engaging.

I havnt yet pulled the clutch cover off which i probably should have done before splitting the cases but never mined i need to change the main bearings as theres play in the crank. Ill pull the clutch cover off and let yas know what the go is.


Sponsoring Member
May 1, 2002
Had the same symptoms with a YZ125 once when a clutch plate shattered and a piece got stuck in the shifter drum.


Mar 6, 2005
I'm betting the problem is in the shifter and had you pulled the clutch cover you wouldn't have had to split the cases. But as long as you've got the cases apart anyway you ought to take a close look at your gears. When the shift dogs are good the the end of the dog should be just about flush with the opposite side of the gear it interlocks with. Worn dogs may look just fine when you look only at them but I just had to replace a first gear in my Yamaha DT1 even though the dogs looked good - until I stuck the dogs into the gear. No sense in doing this again anytime soon because you overlooked something.


Sep 30, 2005

Thanks for all the help on this. Its been so hot here so i was putting of going down to the shed to work on the bike but I finally got off my butt and pulled the clutch cover off. And what should i see but two clutch basket tabs/fingers floating round. So just imagining how expensive a new clutch basket will cost i remember seeing a TS90 engine sitting in my uncles shed under a pile of dust. This is the same uncle that gave me this TS185 and the IT400 ill be getting after christmas thanks too a mates brothers working out in that part. Anyway does anyone know if the small TS runs the same transmission as the 185 so i can chuck that in the ute with the IT? But seeing i'm an impatient son of a..and don't want to wait that long til i can ride i was thinking maybe put some new main bearings in and ride it with the stuffed clutch basket until i can or if i can use the 90's. Without doing race starts and the dumping of the clutch do you think it will hold? and what damage could it cause if it decided to go? Worst case scenario.

I tryed shifting the gears and they seemed to change fine. i'm still scared that if i put it back together it will not work but it'll be less hassle then swapping bits of transmission around.

I've been building a 40 foot step down and a 20 foot step up over the last couple of months so am craving to hit it on the old gal although with the absolute poo suspension ill probably die a terrible death.

Thank-you for any help or advise you send my way
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