I just bought a 1985 PW80 for my son. The bike runs decent enough exept it has a few carb problems. First off I took the carb apart and cleaned it really well. I noticed it is supposed to be oil injected but the previous owner removed the oil tank and cut the cable going to the oil pump. Anyways I mixed some gas (PJ1 Goldfire @ 32:1) and put in a new plug NGK Bp6es. The bike runs good (and did before I touched it) it's just that it won't idle... I mean it will idle for about 20 seconds and just die. I have fiddled with the idle screw and it does nothing. ALSO the bike will not even run unless the air screw is all the way IN. Other than this it's a good bike, I would like to fix this problem though, so if anyone knows anything please help me out? Thanks guys.