
Mar 20, 2004
One of the links on my chain was warped so much that I couldn't pedal so I used a chain tool to remove it. Now, however, I don't know how to make the newly joined link sturdy like the other ones. Having pushed the pin all the way in with the chain breaking tool, there's nothing really keeping the pin in. The ends of the other pins are sort of spread out over the outside of the link preventing them from coming loose and I don't know how to make the pin of the newly joined link like that.
I hope I've articulated the problem well enough, I'm sort of new at biking and may not have all the terminology down. Thanks a lot if anyone can help.


You do realize that this is an off-road motorcycling site, right?! :)

Anywho, you need to flair the ends of the pin over with a hammer and punch if possible. Unless these are the old Shimano pins that just pressed in and then you break the piece off that is left sticking out. That's about all the help I can give you. There are other more active cyclists around here, however. Maybe they'll reply. Also, don't be surprised when this is moved to the off-topic forum.
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