Changed my handlebars/clutch lever

Jun 12, 2005
I just swapped my old handlebars and clutch lever for new ones and now i have some problems. First problem is that the throttle is now sticky and the second is that with the new lever its way to hard to pull the lever in. Any solutions ? When i took apart the throttle housing i washed the peice that the grip goes onto of most the grease that was on it, would i maybe have to re grease it? And the clutch lever i dont really have any ideas, its a cheap $15 universal lever thats susposed to be a brake lever but i flipped it over and it seems to work fine besides the fact that its so hard to pull the lever.


Sep 22, 2005
make sure there is no dirt between the throttle tube and the handlebar. also make sure there is no sticker on the handlebar under the throttle tube. i fell 2 weeks ago and got some dirt under the throttle tube and it took me a couple times of cleaning it to get it all out. a little white lithium under there works good for me when it is all clean.

i think you should just get the correct part for your clutch. trying to rig it will produce results like you have encountered. levers are cheap - buy 2 so you have 1 extra in the toolbox.


Aug 21, 2005
Also, try moving the throttle about 1/16 inch toward the end of the bar so there is a small space between the end of the bar and the throttle tube


Motion-Pro makes replacement levers specific to certain models. They're about $8 US.
Jun 12, 2005
Well i dont really see why it shouldnt work its just like the old lever i had on it pretty much just slightly different but ill probably end up ordering a new one in. Any tips on washing an airfilter i just picked up a buncha cleansers and oil.


"Leverage" is why it doesn't pull as easy. If that hole that the cable end fits in is off by half a millimeter compared to the stock lever, you will feel the difference in the required force to move the lever.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
put on lots, then squeeze it all out. What is left will be just right.
Jun 12, 2005
Well i just put it back in and now the bike wont start i think i might of over oiled it. Would over oiling an airfilter cause it to not start? Is it the more oil the less air? Any tips for getting most of the oil out?


Aug 21, 2005
Did you let it dry for 15-30 minutes before putting it back in? You don't just oil it and shove it in. To get the excess oil out requires a lot of gentle squeezing.
I have to ask, did you even look at the bottle the oil came in? There are directions printed on the back that explain how to oil a filter. That's how I learned, and I have never had a bike fail to start atfer cleaning the filter..


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
take the filter off and start it?? if it starts you arent getting air ........if it doesnt youve done something else to it also


Dec 29, 2005
You need to get a real clutch lever if it pulls tight now and didnt before and all you have changed is the lever thats your problem. As far as the throttle being sticky goes, did you put new grips on? If you did you may have gotten some grip glue to seep inside the throttle housing through the hole at the end and it could be causing some drag.
Jun 12, 2005
The throttle is fine i fixed that and i adjusted that screw on the lever and the pull got alot easier so ill hafta see if the clutch engages/disenages properly when i get the bike started. Im pretty sure i let the filter sit about 15 minutes as it directs on the bottle for the alcohol to evaportate but i dont think i fully squeezed it out. This was my first attempt of cleaning an airfilter so i wasnt sure how much oil to leave in. Tomorrow i will try some of those cold starting techniques first then if that fails take out the filter and see if it will fire up then. But is it normal for a bike to be harder to start in the winter? This is the first winter ive owned a dirtbike as i just got my bike this summer.


Sep 22, 2005
depends on temp. i have started my bike in 20 deg wether. took a couple extra kicks (5 or so) but it fired.

it also depends on how long my bike sits. 3-4 days it will fire when cold in 3-4 kicks. after more than 8 days it takes up to 7-8 kicks at least. it is usually in the 30's also.

i will try leaning the bike to get the fuel to flow out the overflow vents the next time i try to start the bike. it is apart now waiting for the forms and shock to get done being rebuilt. i figure i will ride in 2 weeks.

fuel valve on, choke on, find TDC (not necessary), use full kicks - not short quick kicks - no throttle.

should start in less than 10 kicks (worst case) - if not pull the plug and check for fuel fouling. no fuel fouling - lean the bike far over until you see fuel come out the vent tubes. try kicking again.
Jun 12, 2005
Well i leaned the bike on its side and rolled it back and forth in 5th gear and it fired so i guess i didnt over oil the airfilter but i raised the back tire and reved the bike in 1st with the clutch in and the wheel still spun! Im prob going to have to put the old lever on and see if it works. Thanks for the help guys.
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